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Anglican Church religion Vicars child sex abuse revealed
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Anglican Church religion Vicars child sex abuse revealed Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Belfast and Donegal.
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Anglican Church religion Vicars child sex abuse revealed
I posted before in warning about the evils of the Anglican church in Ireland, The Church of England (The Church of Ireland same thing) are starting to be revealed.
More are writing of the evil of the British Crown church, evils it has never properly apologized for, or compensated their millions of victims.
The Church of Ireland as Anglicans were part of the main slave traders.
These Anglican smug hypocrites actually had the nerve to point at the Roman Catholic church. It is sadly true that the British crown managed to corrupt Roman Catholic Bishops in Ireland for its Colonial aims
The Church of Ireland (Church of England franchise) was a colonial imposed religion in Ireland,.
The Anglican church had tens of thousands of children 'taken' into their Church of Ireland 'Foundling' scheme.
Most Irish people know that the leaders of the Anglican church of Ireland in the 17th century, cynically enslaved thousands of Irish children, so they could abuse them, sent them as slaves to work on their tobacco and sugar plantations in the West Indies and America.
These Irish child slaves (who survived) were raised as English and protestant.
Many Americans today who believe they are of anglo saxon stock, are oblivious to their real roots and very sad Irish slave history.
But most Irish people do not know the Church of Ireland were continuing their abuses of Irish children for centuries after.
The Anglican church in Ireland continued to regard and treat native Irish children like stock.
This can be seen in the Anglican church in Ireland created 'foundling scheme', which has the blood of tens of thousands of Irish children on it's hands.
The following is the death (murder) rate of Irish children in the Church of Ireland foundling scheme, after care had supposedly been greatly improved! at these Church of Ireland Anglican - 'Irish child catcher' foundling detention centers.
A Brief History of the Ancient Foundling Hospital of Dublin, by William Dudley Wodsworth
So with vast improvements only 50% of Irish children were prematurely dying (murdered) by the 'care' of the Anglican church
Up to this point around 80% of all caught children had been dying of Anglican care and had been dying at that rate for nearly a century.
Make no mistake this Crown Anglican Protestant scheme was a child catching scheme of the most evil abuse.
Up until the above reference, the reader may have thought 'tens of thousands children dying in Anglican care' a wild or unqualified claim.
Research the Anglican foundling care scheme, and see if you can claim less than tens of thousands of children who lost their life under Church of Ireland Anglican supposed care!
Anglicans created the foundling scheme in Ireland, not for any credible Christian values or for the honour or the better benefit of Irish Children in general.
Anglicans came up with the idea because it suited their bigotry and racism, anti Irish racism, allied to their selfish business interests.
The Anglican foundling scheme in Ireland was created ostensibly to care for unwanted children and turn them into Protestants.
Of the one hundred plus thousands of Irish children who were 'taken' by the Church of Ireland, those who managed to survive their detention centers for even a year, all were instructed to be Anglican (Protestants)and to be English or British by force.
Punishments were every bit as perverse and brutal as any German concentrsation camp.
Most Irish today are completely ignorant of the systemic abuse of the Anglican foundling scheme, of the thousands of Irish children abused and murdered by the British crown religion.
It is very sad and so ironic that so many so called 'protestants' of today, that among them, among some of the most convinced and extremist British and Protestant Orange order unionists, are actually the descendants of these abused native Irish children.
Many if not most of the tens of thousands of Irish children taken into the Anglican care, were literally just taken from the streets by the Ministers of the Church of Ireland.
Thousands of Irish children were also 'taken' from their families on the word of Anglican ministers.
History might afford some credit if the Church of Ireland generally treated the children well. One should perhaps wonder if some of the children were generally better off away from their native Irish parents. The Irish at that time, all who were not Anglican, both Catholic and Presbyterians were generally living in abject poverty, thanks to the Colonial Crown and it's Anglican church, who denied the majority of Irish even the most basic rights.
But the historical records removes any such wonder or credit from the Anglican foundling scheme, because what actually happened to the Irish children under the control of these cruel Anglican bigots was obscene and evil.
What the Church of Ireland (English crown church) did is on a par with the worst child abuse anywhere in history.
Irish children under Anglican supposed 'care' were treated as badly as African slaves, in fact the Irish children would generally have far higher premature mortality rates than African slaves.
Irish children were apprenticed, effectively hired off as slaves to Anglican business interests.
It is so sad to read of the many Irish Parents who persistently tried (most in vain) to get their children back from the child catchers of the Anglican foundling scheme, any that succeeded had to pay for their own child as part of any Anglican child trading deal!
A shameful evil and perverse scheme that was essentially a Irish child catcher scheme. Irish children were sent to bleak disease infested Anglican child factories, and those that survived had the Anglican religion literally beaten into them.
Every Irish child taken had their name changed, Anglicized made to look English, and not obviously Irish.
Tens of thousands of Irish children died under Anglican 'care', investigators suspected many were murdered or died from physical abuses, morals suggest all the Children who died were effectively murdered directly by the Anglican foundling scheme.
Many of the tens of thousands of tots who died were left to rot, those children suspected of having disease were placed in isolation detention together. Irish infants were thrown into baskets in groups, purposely covered with infested blankets and left to die (murdered).
The abuse of Children by ministers of the Anglican church continues into the 21st Century
People like this fool, actually encourage ignorance and abusers of children. How? Because ignorant and cynical fools like the Anglican Archbishop help promote the idea that abusers are just Catholic Priests.
Abusers are not from just one Religion (Catholic) as the bigots and Anglican Archbishop perversely and shamefully may try to imply or suggest.
Shameless Church of England interference in Ireland.
The Moral is not that child abusers look a certain way or come from one religion or profession. The lesson is that child abusers will purposely try and attain positions of trust so they can abuse. These sick people do this wherever they can get away with their evil. That is why they are so often friends of the family of the abused child, or caretakers, or religious heads, scout masters. All and every position of trust for them to abuse, to get access for their evil sickness.
The moral is never give absolute trust of your children with anyone else. They are your children and their welfare is above any religion or the guessed at trust of individuals that you do not really know.
Anglican Vicars child sex abuse revealed
Just a sample of their own evil now being revealed.
Child sex abuse Church of England Anglicn vicar David Roberts jailed for 12 years
May 3, 2007 – A parish priest is jailed for five-and-a-half years for sexually abusing a string of boys over nearly 30 years.
BBC News - Sex abuse vicar Ronald Johns: Church missed ...
Retired bishop Peter Ball arrested on suspicion of child sex offences ...
guardian.co.uk › World news › Anglicanism
Nov 13, 2012 – Rt Rev Peter Ball thought to be most senior Church of England figure to be ... Detectives investigating complaints of sexual abuse in the Church of ... Police also arrested a 67-year old retired priest at his home address near ...
Church of England Rocked By Priestly Abuse Cover-up
It is ironic that the first salvos in the exposing of child abuse within the ranks of the ... vicar of St.Barnabas, Bexhill, until 2007 after being arrested over sex abuse ...
Nov 19, 2012 – Church bosses missed three chances to report a child sex abusing vicar to the police, the BBC has learned. Between 1983 and 1991, the ...
Taunton child sex abuse vicar David Roberts jailed for 12 years ...
May 3, 2007 – A parish priest was today found guilty in England of sexually abusing a string of boys over nearly 30 years.
Retired Suffolk vicar jailed 22 months for child abuse: The Church of ...
The Church of England ... the judge ordered Mr. Dossor placed on the sex offenders' register and ...
in-cumbria | Cumbrian vicar's sex abuse was hidden by church
Sep 28, 2012 – Cumbrian vicar's sex abuse was hidden by church ... Church leaders didn't tell police about claims of child abuse against a cathedral canon ...
Child sex abuse vicar is jailed - I4U News
London (CNN) -- A retired Anglican bishop and a retired priest have been arrested by British police on suspicion of sexual offences against boys and young men -- one as young as 12 -- in the 1980s and 1990s.
The 80-year-old former Church of England bishop, from Somerset in south-west England, was questioned in connection with eight alleged offences before being released on medical advice. Police say the man -- the highest-ranking church official to be arrested on abuse allegations -- will be questioned again at a later date.
His former colleague, a 67-year old retired priest from West Sussex, in southern England, was questioned over two alleged offences before being released on bail pending further inquiries..
The Shameful Truth
Retired Anglican priest Gordon Rideout who was bailed on suspicion of child sex
BBC News - Sex abuse vicar Ronald Johns: Church missed ...
Nov 19, 2012 – Child sex attack clergyman jailed · Ex- Church of England vicar charged with child abuse. Church bosses missed three chances to report a child sex abusing vicar ...