Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Queen of England should condemn these union jack fascists

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Queen of England should condemn these union jack fascists

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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Sceala Irish Craic Forum- Queen of England should condemn these union jack fascists
Irish Author Queen of England should condemn these union jack fascists Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Gerard Delaney Tipperary

Sceala Philosopher

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Queen of England should condemn these union jack fascists

Where is the Queen of England?
Apart from encouraging pathetic flag waiving nationalism, and union jack fascists by her silence?
What other purpose does that born into obscene wealth woman serve?
Westminster Crown Obscene wealth that she benefits from that was made from crimes against humanity, via her families organized crimes
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If she was at all a decent and honorable woman who genuinely cared about all the people under her so called realm, she would come out and condemn these union jack fascists.

Has the Queen of England ever once condemned any of the evil loyalist crimes done in her name, murder and bombings?
These British extremists, nationalist fascists worship her, some clearly think this is what being British means.
On this post note the Loyalist terrorist murals of their Queen.

Where are the likes of Myers and Harris to condemn the Queen of England's silence in their rags, or the supposed journalists of the BBC or RTE? Why are they also silent on such obvious a connected issue. Would they really be so unquestioning and subservient in their silence to the Pope for example or any other supposed head of a group in similar violence?

Why has no one asked the Queen of England why she chooses to not condemn all terrorists and extreme nationalists, including these supposed British loyalists, who do it in her name.

60 PSNI injured some attacked with hatchets by so called Queens loyalists.
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The Queen of England's silence over the years (and currently), has been hypocritical and cowardly. Her silence has encouraged anti Irish violence over the years and to date. The Queen of England's silence is disgraceful, when she could do so much for peace and tolerance, by selectively keeping silent, she chooses by default, the encouragement of ignorant extremes, extreme British nationalist fascism.
Eternal shame on her.

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