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Shatter pardons Irish defence forces deserters emergency ww2
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Shatter pardons Irish defence forces deserters emergency ww2 Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Paddy acting the goat
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Antrim
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Shatter pardons Irish defence forces deserters emergency ww2
Tue Jun 12, 2012
Alan Shatter is forcing through a blanket pardon for all those who deserted their duty during the emergency in World War 2.
Shatter is Irish Jew, that is a matter of fact. No problem with that religious faith fact what so ever, in fact I admire many aspects of general Jewish culture.
I could not care less what anyone's religion is, unless or until the moment they try and bring in their inherited bias politics.
I believe that Shatter is pro Israel to such a extreme that he wants to promote every simplistic Jewish bias he can, to promote one very simplistic political side of the Jewish story. Bearing in mind the fact that many Jews are against the state of Israel as it stands.
I personally have no problem with Israel, but have real concerns with the Hollywood simplifications of WW2 that appear to be designed to prop up or excuse what ever Israel does.
Some Jews (I believe shatter among them) and their extreme allies, want to promote the story line that World War 2 was fought over Jews, the good side wanted to liberate European Jews. The fight against Hitler was because people cared so much about the persecutions of the Jews and other groups.
Sorry Shatter that promotion is simply untrue. Perversely so, leaving aside the historical reality that the general public never even knew about the crimes of the camps until after WW2 and subsequent liberation of the work / death camps. Jews were victims of World war 2, but not the cause, moral or otherwise.
History re written to suit simplistic bias, may have British soldiers fighting to liberate the Jews, but such general images are complete myths.
The real history was terrible, because in general summary, the whole of Europe, Britain included, discriminated against the Jews, before during and immediately after WW2.
Westminster did not want the European Jewish refugees before during or after ww2. It refused to take them.
Are we not even allowed to confront Shatter on his possible bias reasons for this shameless blanket pardon of deserters, for fear of being labelled anti-semitic, anti Jew!
BS Again.
If a Politician of Irish ancestry in Britain made a law that retrospectively pardoned former members of the British army who deserted to or later joined the IRA or other Irish freedom movements, as many did.
People in Britain could reasonably question if there was a possible bias.
Would Shatter be in a rush to pardon anyone else!
As shown on here before, they were not all deserting for brave noble cause, no way. Some were opportunists, others looking for better conditions.
Now Shatter is making the state say sorry to all these chancers, common low deserters.
One of these supposed noble deserters admired by Shatter, for whatever bias reasoning.
Giving his real reasons for deserting his post from The Irish Defence Forces, during emergency WW2.
Because we were hungry, they'd give us no rations, so we got fed up, I got fed up and then they said we're having ..went up the road to Belfast and I joined up there and I could smell the food up the road, I could smell the food as I was going up the road, it was that good up there. I was 17 that time so I was well underage and I was glad to get out of where I was.
John Stout deserter from Cork
Irish defence forces deserters ww2 pardon
Is that deserter for better food, really worthy of any apology from anyone? Why Should Ireland forgive or offer any pardon. The other poster is correct, this blanket pardon by Alan Shatter is a perverse joke, and a national disgrace.
This Shatter act has no care for Ireland's neutrality or honor and duty in the Irish Defence Forces.
This blanket pardon of stark contradiction is going to be used by other cowards and deserters in the future.
Shatter has made a mockery of duty. At least if that duty is to Ireland.
Shatter appears keen to honor Colonial Britain.
Irish Times report on the pardon.
Jason Michael
Minister for Defence Alan Shatter has today announced there will be a pardon and amnesty for soldiers who deserted the Irish Army to fight for the Allies during the second World War.
In a statement to the Dáil, Mr Shatter said the Government apologised for the manner in which these soldiers were treated after the war by the State.
"The Government recognises the value and importance of their military contribution to the Allied victory and will introduce legislation to grant a pardon and amnesty to those who absented themselves from the Defence Forces without leave or permission to fight on the Allied side."
Mr Shatter said the Government "recognises the value and importance to the State of the essential service given by all those who served in the Defence Forces throughout the period of World War II".
"It is essential to the national interest that members of the Defence Forces do not abandon their duties at any time, especially at a time of crisis, and no responsible Government could ever depart from this principle."
However, the Minister said that in addressing question of desertion during this period, the Government acknowledged the second World War gave rise to "circumstances that were grave and exceptional".
"Members of the Defence Forces left their posts at that time to fight on the Allied side against tyranny and, together with many thousands of other Irish men and women, played an important role in defending freedom and democracy. Those who fought on the Allied side also contributed to protecting this State’s sovereignty and independence and our democratic values."
He noted that in August 1945, the government, through an Emergency Powers Order, dealt with those who absented themselves during the war by summarily dismissing them from the Defence Forces and disqualifying them for seven years from holding employment or office remunerated from the State's Central Fund.
Pointing out individuals were not given a chance to explain their absence, Mr Shatter added: "No distinction was made between those who fought on the Allied side for freedom and democracy and those who absented themselves for other reasons.
Mr Shatter said that in the time since the outbreak of the second World War "our understanding of history has matured".
"We can re-evaluate actions taken long ago, free from the constraints that bound those directly involved and without questioning or revisiting their motivations. It is time for understanding and forgiveness."
The Minister said, at a time of greater understanding of the shared history and experiences of Ireland and Britain, "it is right that the role played by Irish veterans who fought on the Allied side be recognised and the rejection they experienced be understood".
"To that end, this Government has now resolved to provide a legal mechanism that will provide an amnesty to those who absented themselves from our Defence Forces and fought with the Allied Forces in World War II and to provide a pardon to those who were individually court-martialled.
"This will be achieved without undermining the general principle regarding desertion. The proposed legislation, which I intend to introduce later this year, will provide that the pardon and amnesty does not give rise to any right or entitlement or to any liability on the part of the State."
However, Mr Shatter emphasised the Government does not condone desertion and "fully recognises, values and respects the contribution of all those who stood by their post with the Defence Forces".
Alan Shatter blanket pardons all Irish defence forces deserters during emergency of ww2.
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