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Italy Spain corrupt European bond markets Ireland abandoned
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Italy Spain corrupt European bond markets Ireland abandoned Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Brian T Dublin
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Italy Spain corrupt European bond markets Ireland abandoned
How can the current play of bond markets be anything other than a EU HQ organized Scam.
The EU is buying up bonds, they have probably told all the central banks to buy Spanish & Italian bonds. All the individual central banks are owned by the master.
Portugal Ireland and Greece, they are considered small periphery countries.
When they needed help, they were abandoned one by one, left to the wolves of the markets.
Ireland was abandoned by the EU, told to pay up and shut up.
Spain is accessing cheap loans that the European tax payer are subsidizing!
Spanish banks borrow record amount from ECB
Borrowing by Spanish banks from the European Central Bank hit a new record in March at €227.6 billion as they snapped up cheap loans.
Banks are turning to the ECB since they are struggling to borrow on interbank lending markets
Borrowing by Spanish banks from the European Central Bank hit a new record in March at €227.6 billion ($299 billion).
The banks have snapped up emergency cheap loans, official data showed today.
The figures from Spain's central bank are a sign of weak confidence in Spain's troubled financial sector.
Commercial banks are turning to the ECB since they are struggling to borrow on interbank lending markets.
In contrast & in turn, Greece, Ireland and Portugal were attacked by the markets, their respective bond rates went out of control.
Ireland at one point almost touched 15%.
Is the market currently at all honest?
Spain with 50% youth unemployment, 23% unemployment across the board. Banks that are bankrupt.
A aging population that can't pay its way.
Spain is a wreck.
Italy not far behind.
So, how can it possibly be Italian and Spanish bonds are supposedly sought after investments?
Does not add up!
The UK is as bad, but their lower rates can be explained (temporarily) because - they simply print money, buy their own bonds & get in more & more debt.
"The Italian 10-year rate has declined more than 2 percentage points over the past eight weeks, in the longest streak of declines since November 1998. It touched 4.90 percent on March 1, the lowest since Aug. 18."
"Spain’s 10-year bond yield rose above Italy’s for the first time since August 2011. The Iberian nation’s benchmark yields dropped 15 basis points this week, while its two-year note yields fell 36 basis points to 2.25 percent."
These bond rate falls just do not add up to a open and non manipulated market.
What is going on in the European bond markets
Totally bankrupt Spain and Italy are being propped up by the EU coffers.
Spain and Italy can still get money ay very low rates. How is this possible in a fair market? It isn't possible! something very corrupt is going on in the European bond markets.
Anyone glancing at Spains long term bonds over a decade period, would not be able to guess from current rates that Spain is currently in economic meltdown.
Artificially low bond rates are being ensured for the nations who matter.
I don't pretend to be a financial expert, but who needs to be! It is obvious that something very artificial is now going on in these European bond markets.
Recent News
Spain's Government Bond Yield for 10 Year Notes declined 6 basis points during the last 30 days which means it became less expensive for Spain to borrow.
Italy made another strong foray into bond markets today, borrowing €6 billion at much lower rates in three and seven-year operations, a sign that the debt crisis could be easing.
The Italian central bank said Rome borrowed funds for three years at 2.76%, compared with 3.41% in its last similar operation, and placed seven-year bonds at 4.3%, down from 5.81%.
The Italian treasury had planned to raise between €4.5 and €6 billion with the two bond issues, and reached the higher figure amid demand for a total of €9.8 billion.
Investors appear to have growing confidence in Italy, which three months ago was seen as a possible future victim of the euro zone debt crisis. The treasury said yesterday it had successfully raised €12 billion in three-month and one-year bonds at sharply lower rates.
Update on Italy Spain European bond markets
Looks like the corrupt funds put aside for bond buying has run out. The EU will now print more.
Spain and Italy borrowing rates soar in latest auctions
Borrowing costs for both Spain and Italy rose today in their latest auction of government bonds.
Spain's borrowing rate nearly doubled in a short-term debt auction as investors fretted over the euro zone's determination to deal with its debts.
And Italy raised nearly €3.5 billion in a short-term bond sale today but at sharply higher interest rates amid fresh concerns over the euro zone outlook, the Bank of Italy said.
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