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Titanic Belfast experience reviews
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Titanic Belfast experience reviews Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Belfast and Donegal.
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Titanic Belfast experience reviews
The Titanic Belfast building looks interesting from some angles, but from views it looks like a multi-storey car park. Just like a multi storey car park, Titanic Belfast could well prove a well used attraction for locals.
Are that many people really interested in the Titanic?
I am aware that Cobh in County Cork have a Titanic event and museum of sorts.
TITANIC 100 COBH County Cork 2012
2012 marks the 100th anniversary of the Titanic’s maiden voyage. Cobh, then Queenstown, was the Titanic’s last port of call. 123 passengers boarded the magnificent vessel in a bid to journey to the new world. For the last century the world has been intrigued with the story of the largest passenger liner at the
time and the vessel that many thought was unsinkable.
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Titanic’s journey and to remember and pay tribute to all who have been involved with her, Cobh in County Cork, Ireland, will play host to a memorable series of events. This event series – Titanic 100 Cobh 2012, will include many and varied events and will appeal to a wide audience.
Big difference, because that Titanic promotion is only riding on the back of Cobh harbour being - a main departure point for the ancestors of millions of Irish Americans.
Wasn't the Cobh Titanic project, backed by a Lotto winner? Have not read that the Titanic was proven to increase any tourism there.
Find it hard to even imagine that the Titanic on its own has encouraged many new tourists into Cobh or any part of Ireland - or ever will.
With all that Ulster has to offer - Donegal & Derry especially - this Titanic Belfast seems to be a all eggs in one basket case. Public sector management in Tourism - spending tax money without a clue, care or any personal risk.
I was still living in Belfast when this Titanic fantasy idea was first promoted. How did it all come about? The Movie Titanic.
Titanic Belfast was thought a great idea by some Council manager because of the hype at that time created by a Movie - Titanic.
The movie Titanic had good reviews, won oscars and is now forgotten. A limited amount might pay to watch it again in 3D.
Few people really care about the Titanic, it is hardly a disaster on a world scale for the morbid curious traveler to visit.
People are not going to especially visit Ireland because of the Titanic, that is for certain.
What this amounts to is a obscenely expensive dull photo exhibition for the morbid.
They would not dare tell the full story of Harland & Wolff shipyard. The racist and sectarian murders of Irish workers by British loyalists.
Harland and Wolff was a dangerous place to be Irish - a sectarian & racist cess pit.
Irish people were not welcome there - there was open discrimination - British unionists loyalists only.
July 21st 1920-notices were posted in the shipyards calling Protestant and Unionist workers to meet at lunch time outside the gates of the south yard. The call to drive out ‘disloyal’ workers was enthusiastically supported. At the end of the meeting hundreds of apprentices and rivet boys…ordered out Irish Catholics and Socialists. Some were kicked and beaten, others were pelted with rivets, and some were forced to swim for their lives. One Irishman remembers; “the gates were smashed down with sledges, the vests and shirts of those at work were torn open to see if the men were wearing any Irish or Catholic emblems and woe betide the man who was. One Irishman was set upon, thrown into the dock, had to swim the Musgrave channel, and having been pelted with rivets, had to swim two or three miles, to emerge in streams of blood and rush to the nearest police station in a nude state’
The Giants causeway - Glens of Antim - Donegal - Tyrone lakelands and many other far more real tourist attractions in the Irish province of Ulster - could have done with some of the 100 million spent on this white elephant. It will turn out to be a very expensive locally used leisure centre of limited facilities.