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Love Ulster Willie Frazer HATE FAIR Protest Dublin
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Love Ulster Willie Frazer HATE FAIR Protest Dublin Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
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Location: DUBLIN
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Love Ulster Willie Frazer HATE FAIR Protest Dublin
What the super selective bigot Willie Frazer is actually about.
Willie Frazer's ironically named "Fair" scam
From wikipedia
Critics have noted that FAIR has named Robert McConnell, a member of the Ulster Defence Regiment, as a victim of IRA violence. McConnell was implicated in both the killing of the brothers of Eugene Reavey on January 4, 1976, and in the Dublin and Monaghan bombings of 1974.[9][10]
FAIR has also been criticised for supporting Ian Paisley's 1999 allegation that Eugene Reavey was involved in the killing of ten Protestant civilians in the Kingsmill massacre on January 5, 1976.[11] FAIR rejected the dismissal of the allegation against Reavey by Police Service of the north of Ireland (PSNI) Chief Constable Ronnie Flanagan.[11]
In 2007 Peter Robinson, then deputy leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), wrote to Frazer, telling him he "might find it much easier to get co-operation with political representatives if you were genuinely involved in Victim Support rather than opposition politics".[12]
In May 2010 FAIR's head researcher William Wilkinson was convicted of rape and attempted rape.[13] Wilkinson was also a local councillor in Ballymena for the Ulster Unionist Coalition Party. His appeal against conviction was rejected in July 2011.[14]
In February 2010 the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister drew the attention of the body administering FAIR's funding from the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) to the publication on FAIR's website of political material critical of the agreement between the DUP and Sinn Féin on the devolution of policing and justice.[15]
In September 2010 the SEUPB withdrew funding, totalling £880,000, from FAIR.[16] The SEUPB said that this was due to "major failures in the organisation's ability to adhere to the conditions associated with its funding allocation" uncovered following a "thorough audit" of the tendering and administration procedures used by FAIR. It said: "The SEUPB is charged with ensuring the proper use of public money and as such has no option but to revoke all financial assistance, (amounting to approximately £880,000), that has been offered to the organisation... FAIR has been given every opportunity to respond to and address these issues. The decision to revoke and recover all financial assistance given to the project has not been taken lightly, however, given the seriousness of the issues no other recourse is available."[17]
On 16 November 2012, after he had reviewed a copy of the SEUPB audit report which had given rise to a demand for the return of £350,000 of funding, Frazer announced that he was stepping down as director of FAIR.[19]
Despite the perverse, corrupt and determined efforts of the British secret services - MI5, MI6, and other under direct Westminster control, including the BBC (notably pre 1990 and the world service), the truth has not been silenced.
Westminster propaganda, has crafted the news in Ireland for centuries. Their cynical management of the news in the past, made Irish and English people ignorant of what went on in Ireland in the name of the English queen.
The subservient or complicit nature of some Irish civil servants and politicians assisted this corrupt bias perversion.
Eventually the truth or events nearer the truth will reveal themselves. Such as the murders in Derry.
The murders of innocent Irish teenagers who were reported as bombers.
Research the OBE awarded to that evil Mercenary Tim Spicer, who covered up the murders and got a OBE for his so called courage.
Westminster and their so called Royals, make the word Perverse - appear so inadequate.
In 2005, following the award of this contract, five United States Senators – Charles Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Chris Dodd and John Kerry – wrote a joint letter calling on Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld to investigate the granting of the Aegis contract describing Spicer as “an individual with a history of supporting excessive use of force against a civilian population” and stating that he “vigorously defends human rights abuses”.
In a December 2005 letter to his constituents, then-U.S. Senator Barack Obama called on the Department of Defense to withdraw its contract with Aegis. Obama wrote that “The CEO of Aegis Defense Services Tim Spicer has been implicated in a variety of human rights abuses around the globe ... given his history, I agree that the United States should consider rescinding its contract with his company.
As a consequence of crafted news and state simple story telling, most British nationalists even today seem to be unaware (or content in ignorance) that there were two sides to the story of terrorism in Ireland. British and Irish terrorism.
There were Irish victims of British terrorism in the troubles. Thousands of Irish people were murdered by British state terrorism or by British nationalist paramilitary terrorists, often by a combination working together in collusion.
Dublin and Monaghan Bombings
Innocent Irish, mainly women & children, were murdered by British state Army and Paramilitary terrorists.
Some of who were members of the Royal Ulster Police, of the Orange Order and bands.(1) and the UDR (2)
We need to hope the Irish government are not planning to add more hurt to the thousands of Irish victims of British state terrorism & violence, by encouraging the extreme bigoted British nationalist politics of Willie Frazer. Doing so can only stir up hate and created division in a nation that needs to keep moving away from this bigotry & racist hate, we should not allow him to bring his hate fest to Dublin ever again.
The message is clear the Irish people do not want this hateful bigoted man marching with British nationalist bands in Dublin, not this year or next, not ever, period.
We do not want any of them, no extremes in Dublin anymore, we have had enough.
Willie Frazer and FAIR have received hundreds of thousands of € in grants.
What is Willies Business? - What is Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (FAIR)
Willie Frazer claims -FAIR is a non-governmental organization founded in 1998 in County Armagh, Ireland.
It describes itself as a "non-sectarian, non-political organization" that works "in the interests of the innocent victims of terrorism in South Armagh."
But are such equitable all-inclusive claims credible for Willie Frazer's so called FAIR?
No, they are most clearly not!
Why did Willie Frazer and FAIR pretend they are non-political and care about all the victims of the conflict?
The reason for the pretense is probably simple - all those hundreds of thousands of € in grants & funding.
In order for Willie Frazer's FAIR to access financial grants and special concessions, they would have to pretend to be "non-sectarian, non-political organization" that works "in the interests of the innocent victims of terrorism in South Armagh."
Stating these positive aims in the 'about us' section, unfortunately amounts to nothing more than words.
The rest of the FAIR website is far from non-sectarian, or can be fairly considered a remotely non-political organization" or one that works "in the interests of all the innocent victims of terrorism in South Armagh."
From Willie Frazers FAIR site.
The rest of FAIR's website and Willie Frazer's efforts are concerned with only one side of the story, his political sides, the British.
In Willies simply bigoted world, the conflict was a Irish problem, specifically a Irish Catholic problem.
On FAIR website, the reader will struggle to find a single care mentioned for any of the thousands of victims of British terrorism.
Not a single condemnation of the countless acts of British state or nationalist terrorism and murder, is evident.
FAIR's claim is false, because FAIR like Willie Frazer is clearly primarily intended for so called Protestant victims.
This clear motivation makes FAIR and Willie Frazer openly bias and political - providing British nationalists with his politically motivated, God save his Queen exclusive care.
While those are all legitimate personal beliefs, wishes and aims to have in private, and possibly welcome in some parts close to where Willie Frazer lives in the North of Ireland.
He claims to love Ulster, so we had best not be specific by assuming what part(s) of the Irish province of Ulster he actually loves.
The claims that Frazer or FAIR or Love Ulster is non political or cares for victims per se, is a lie and a sham.
Willie Frazer is not shy or someone particularly careful about promoting his British nationalist and what I consider as sectarian views. Willie looks for any excuse to let people know, especially people who do not really want his kind in their neighborhood.
There is no doubt that Willie Frazer is completely content in his one sided story. So, the positive aims of FAIR (the sham claims) , can only be a pretense for grant aid.
Of course anyone can see that FAIR, love Ulster and Willie Frazer are only interested in their side of the story and their victims and suffering.
No one impartial could credibly conclude they were non-political or remotely interested in all the innocent victims of terror.
Willie Frazer decides who was innocent, who was a victim and who is a terrorist. Frazer uses the same selective and exclusive logic that all convinced bigots and nationalists use.
Love Ulster Willie Frazer HATE FAIR are not a genuine cross community or a love thy neighbor, forgive, turn the other cheek Christian organization.
They should not receive a red cent in aid on the basis of a cross community charity or caring organization.
Willie Frazer is making politics from suffering, in that dated and pathetic Ian Paisley extreme one sided old bigot ranting mode. One that even the extremely simple Bigot and British nationalist Paisley tired of.
Willie Frazer appears to be very keen on money, grants & compensation.
Willie Frazer and FAIR were clearly doing very well from grants up until recently.
Victims group FAIR has £800,000 European funding axed
Victims group, Families Acting For Innocent Relatives (Fair) has had more than £800,000 in European Union grants revoked.
It follows an investigation into the organisation's tendering process.
The Special EU Programmes Body said there were "major failures" in Fair's ability to adhere to the conditions associated with its funding allocation.
It said had no option but to revoke all financial assistance.
More than £800,000 was allocated to Fair over three years.
Mr Frazer plans to fight the decision by the Special European Union Programmes Body (SEUPB) to revoke its funding.
In a statement, SEUPB said that after a "thorough audit" of the tendering and administration procedures used by Fair it had uncovered "major failures in the organisation's ability to adhere to the conditions associated with its funding allocation".
"The SEUPB is charged with ensuring the proper use of public money and as such has no option but to revoke all financial assistance, (amounting to approximately £880,000), that has been offered to the organisation," the statement added.
"Fair has been given every opportunity to respond to and address these issues.
"The decision to revoke and recover all financial assistance given to the project has not been taken lightly, however, given the seriousness of the issues no other recourse is available."
Cynics could think this so called F.A.I.R Willie Frazer is genuinely interested in making a business out of victims.
The Funding groups
a political sham.
he does not think that British state terrorism ever happened.
Respected Irish & British investigative Journalists claim that The British army, especially the UDR and RUC had many murdering terrorists within their ranks. (1)
Baron report states collusion happened.
The British state colluded with terrorists, orchestrated terrorism in Ireland.
Intelligence and testiments by Dublin and Monaghan bombers were members of the Orange order, the UDR, the RUC,
1. Robin Jackson
Robert McConnell
Billy Hanna
2 . bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-11307108
3. UDR a legal organization, but to Irish nationalists it is considered a sectarian militia, a British army Militia for British nationalists.
These are just examples, token references of the Westminster orchestrated British state terrorism and British nationalist terrorism in Ireland.
Just by reading accounts of the terrorists and mass murderers Robin Jackson or Robert McConnell or Billy Hanna, will lead the curious into the perverse, the cowardly and evil web of British state sponsored terrorism in Ireland.
Billy McCaughey, Orange Order and black lodge member RUC and British terrorist.
In the early 1970s, McCaughey was assigned to the Special Patrol Group of the RUC, a specialist anti-terrorist unit, based in Armagh. McCaughey co-operated extensively with the UVF and carried out a number of attacks with SPG colleagues. He "expressed virulently anti-Catholic views ... and made it known ... that he had strong links to the UVF. A Special Branch recommendation that he be excluded after his probationary period was overridden by an inspector's report that described him as 'one of the best, if not the best, constables attached to my section (of the B Specials a notorious British paramilitary unit that terrorized and murdered many innocent people)'
McCaughey said of his RUC Special Patrol Group unit: ”Our colour code was Orange and it was Orange by nature and several of us were paramilitaries (British terrorists). Our proud boast was that we would never have a Catholic in it. We did actually have a Catholic once, a guy called Danny from Dungannon. The day after he joined we had him dangling out from the back of a Land Rover with his chin inches from the road. He lasted a week”.
McKay, Susan (2000). Northern Protestants: An Unsettled People. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. p.195
^ Harnden, Toby (2000). Bandit Country. Coronet Books
RUC man's secret war, Liam Clarke, Sunday Times, 7 March 1999
McCaughey was arrested in 1980 along with SPG colleague John Weir. He admitted to a number of other sectarian murders. However, the two were convicted of just three crimes, murder, kidnapping and attempted murder. McCaughey served 16 years. He admitted the 1977 sectarian murder of chemist William Strathern, a Catholic. In 1977, the leader of the UVF's Mid-Ulster brigade, Robin Jackson, who had allegedly killed a Catholic civilian in 1973, was named in court as the gunman who shot William Strathern in Ahoghill, County Antrim, for which McCaughey and John Weir were convicted. Jackson was not questioned, for "operational reasons" which have never been detailed."
Barron throws light on a little shock of horrors", Susan McKay, Sunday Tribune, 14 December 2003
McCaughey also pleaded guilty to the kidnapping of a Catholic priest, Father Hugh Murphy, in retaliation for the kidnapping and killing of two members of the security forces by the Provisional Irish Republican Army. Fr. Murphy was released unharmed after a plea from Ian Paisley!! He also admitted to a gun and bomb attack on a pub, the Rock Bar, in Keady in 1977 in which he had tried to assassinate IRA member Dessie O'Hare. McCaughey shot and seriously injured a man who prevented him entering the pub, which he intended to spray with machine gun fire. The bomb also failed to explode and O'Hare survived unharmed. Two other RUC officers were handed suspended sentences for their part in the bombing.
The guns used in the attack were the same ones used in the murder of three Catholic brothers Anthony, John and Brian Reavey in Armagh on 4 January 1976. McCaughey was also implicated in the killings of three members of the O'Dowd family - Barry, his brother Declan and their uncle Joe - targeted 10 minutes after the Reaveys. See Reavey and O'Dowd killings.
McCaughey told the surviving Reavey brother in 1988: that he was involved and at the house with three other attackers but fired no shots.
Further allegations
RUC and Orange order memebers Weir and McCaughey implicated colleagues in at least eleven other sectarian murders. McCaughey claimed that many local RUC and Ulster Defence Regiment personnel were working with the loyalist paramilitaries in the Armagh area in what became known as the Glenanne gang. The Barron Enquiry into the Dublin and Monaghan bombings of 1974, found a chain of ballistic history linking weapons and killings, to which McCaughey admitted involvement. These included, "in 1975, three murders at Donnelly's bar in Silverbridge, the murders of two men at a fake UDR checkpoint, the murder of IRA man John Francis Green in the Republic, the murders of members of the Miami showband and the murder of Dorothy Trainor in Portadown. In 1976, they included the murders of three members of the Reavey family, and the attack on the Rock Bar in Tassagh."
Barron throws light on a little shock of horrors", Susan McKay, Sunday Tribune, 14 December 2003
In addition "Barron found that it was probable the guns were kept at a farm at Glenanne belonging to James Mitchell, an RUC reservist ... from which a group of paramilitaries and members of the security forces ... carried out the massacres at Dublin and Monaghan ... The chain was unbroken because the perpetrators of these attacks weren't caught, or investigations were haphazard, or charges were dropped, or light or suspended sentences were given. The same individuals turn up again and again, but the links weren't noted. Some of the perpetrators weren't prosecuted despite evidence against them. Weir claimed that McCaughey was part of this "Glenanne gang", although McCaughey disputed this. McCaughey refused to give evidence to Judge Barron's enquiry, claiming "I know nothing about it". Judge Barron disagreed. "The Inquiry agrees with the view of An Garda Siochana that Weir's allegations regarding the Dublin and Monaghan bombings must be treated with the utmost seriousness."
Love Ulster Willie Frazer HATE FAIR Protest Dublin
Willie Frazer denial of British terrorism in Ireland.