| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Job creation Ireland RTE The Business George Lee. |
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Job creation Ireland RTE The Business George Lee.
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Job creation Ireland RTE The Business George Lee. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Babs Hamilton
Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Longford
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Job creation Ireland RTE The Business George Lee.
Positive RTE show looking at how we can create jobs in Ireland.
My man says "George Lee certainly knows how to create jobs for himself, so his opinion should be respected".
The Business TV Series Episode 1: Thousands of Jobs there for the Taking
(First Broadcast 14th November 2011)
The Talk Talk closure, Aviva Job losses – the employment landscape is looking grim. But imagine sourcing thousands of jobs just by changing the rules or thinking outside the box? The Business has done just that. George Lee’s TV series The Business returns to our screens this Monday night (Nov 14th) and it has managed to find thousands of potential jobs over the half hour episode.
“There’s been such a focus on recapitalizing the banks and bringing down the deficit, and meanwhile the rate of unemployment is still going up,” explains Lee.
So the series launched The Business Jobs Crusade. It’s part of RTE’s Local Heroes campaign which aims to stimulate jobs and growth.
“We did a call out last September on The Business radio programme,” he says. “We asked people to get in touch with ideas for job creation just by tweaking the rules, or thinking outside the box.”
First in Lee’s sights was the issue of public procurement. “The government spends 15 billion a year on state contracts. We were contacted by small and medium business with some shocking stories of losing those contracts by very small margins to companies outside the state. And of course, this has a knock on effect on job creation.”
The Business discovers how many jobs could be created if the government used job creation as a factor when it comes to deciding who gets state tenders.
“It’s joined up thinking,” explains Lee. “If we’re serious about job creation, we need to stop just thinking about price and start looking at how this money will benefit the wider economy.”
Lee travels around the country on his Jobs Crusade examining all kinds of areas, from imaginative use for vacant buildings, to new ways of helping people start up in business to tweaking social welfare rules.
The episode ends with a good news story. “People are really starting to look at things differently,” says Lee. “There’s a huge demand for Irish organic farmed salmon but red tape and bureaucracy are stopping people establishing those farms. BIM has stepped in to change that. This is the marine equivalent of the IDA advance factory programme. BIM will look after the licences and then attract foreign investment in. They’re planning 3 farms with up to 1500 potential jobs in coastal areas.” So how many jobs did The Business create? “You’ll just have to tune in,” smiles Lee. “But I think people will be pleasantly surprised!”
The TV version of The Business is back on RTE One on Monday 14th Nov at 8.30pm and George Lee is back on the road again.
Despite the recession and the turmoil in Europe, the series remains positive, optimistic and focused on solutions rather than problems.
The series opens with The Business Jobs Crusade. Over half an hour, George is challenged to source new jobs without spending much money and also thinking outside the box. The results are very interesting.
As we approach the anniversary of Ireland’s Bail-out, Episode 2 examines how we’re doing one year on. George travels to London to speak to the money markets and international commentators and discovers Ireland is the Bright Spark in Europe.
It’s winter, it’s cold and our energy bills have shot up by over 20%. We’re one of the most dependent countries on oil and gas in Europe so could we be facing more rises next year? In Episode 3, George discovers where our energy future is going. Can we start making the most of our renewables or will we be forced to take the nuclear option?
There are 70 million people who claim Irish descent worldwide but are we tapping into them? There’s a lot of talk about the diaspora helping us in our hour of need and in Episode 4, George finds out exactly how they can do that.
He discovers there’s no recession on-line in Episode 5. Lots of Irish businesses are no longer thinking local, they’ve gone global and they’re thriving.
Finally, George hosts The Business Christmas Towns competition in the final episode of the series. It’s part of the Local Heroes campaign to encourage people to shop locally. So the towns that have the most innovative and imaginative ideas will all be celebrated in The Business Live special. The show will broadcast live from the winning large town and feature the best small and medium towns.
Episode 1: Thousands of Jobs there for the Taking
RTE The Business takes an entertaining, offbeat and informative look at the world of business and finance. It gets under the skin of big business stories in a punchy and jargon-free way. As well as exploring the major issues and players of the day in the world of commerce, it also brings you the best from small and medium Irish companies around the country.