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Kevin Myers - Mountbatten was a vain deceitful psychopath
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Kevin Myers - Mountbatten was a vain deceitful psychopath Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Kevin Myers - Mountbatten was a vain deceitful psychopath
Don't read the paper myself, but noticed Mo mentioning it in another post.
Found the full article on Line, and yes it is different.
Never understood Kevin Myers. Is he British or Irish.
It appeared Myers was some kind of Unionist apologist and a Sop to the German/English Royal family.
Now he confuses definition with his attack on the assassinated German/British Mountbatten, the son of Prince Louis of Battenberg and his wife Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine.
What is the point of Kevin Myers article on Moutbatten?

Has Myers been passed over for a Von Wettin Knighthood again?
Is Kevin Myers jealous of Loius Hesse's medal collection?
Is Myers bored or mad, or both?
Does anyone actually buy the Independent (what a ironic title) newspaper anymore? Apart from owner - arise Sir Anthony Joseph Francis O'Reilly Knight bachelor "for services to Northern Ireland"
What sort of paper is the Independent now? With Kevin Myers and the slobfest Ian O'Doherty competing for - who is the most saddest and weakest journalist in Ireland annual award, it must be so not interesting.
Speaking of casual fascists.
Anyone know what Mountbatten's real surname was?
His Serene Highness Prince Louis of Battenberg
Is it Hesse or Battenburg or Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg.
And why do these German power families change their names when they go on tour?
For example
Why did Hesse, Battenburg or Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, become - Mountbatten
Why did the perfectly good German name of Von Wettin - Saxe-Coburg and Gotha - suddenly become -plain old Windsor.
These German/Prusssian name changes are confusing, what was the point?
Maybe they have something to do with embarrassment at their Germanic/ origins. Beating England on penalties every time and keeping a low profile?
Or was it the fact that their as mad, and as inbred cousins, were fighting on the other side in both world wars.
If people found that fact out, it could be very embarrassing, people would start wondering what was going on.
In such circumstances, the German name change would makes perfect business sense, it would disguise that rather awkward fact, that both World wars had their origins in German cousins arguing over a ill tempered game of Risk.
Once millions of people started getting slaughtered over their game of risk.
When the English were going hungry and getting bombed daily by Germans. While the Von Wettin becomes Saxe-Coburg and Gotha were living like Royalty in the safety of one of several palaces.
I guess Queen Liza Von Wettin and her heir Prince Adolf of Wales just did not sound English enough anymore.
Perhaps we should not care too much about any British so called royalty, no questions should be asked what so ever.
Even if the Von Wettin Saxe Coburg and Gotha Windsors and Co, were the curse and cause behind most the wars and suffering in Ireland, and the Von Wettin's profited from Irish division and death and destruction.
No questions should be asked what so ever, and if a Von Wettin Saxe Coburg and Gotha Windsor ever wants to visit, we should close Ireland to the public, and fall over backwards to pretend it all never happened.
Of course the Von Wettin Saxe Coburg Gotha und Gotha Windsor German/British mafia are a sad 21 st century joke and poor reflection on the downtrodden English.
But this Myers piece is disturbing, if there was a point it's lost in the vitriol. Does that make sense?
Wonder what His Serene Highness Prince Louis of Battenberg ever did to Kevin Myers?
Kevin Myers: Mountbatten -- a vile psycho killed by thugs
The IRA did a couple of enormous favours to Lord Louis Mountbatten when they blew his boat apart in 1979, killing him, an old lady, and two young lads.
A brace of octogenarians and a couple of schoolboys: quite a bag. Firstly, the IRA gave Mountbatten the almost perfect death -- instant and without any pain, doing what he loved most of all; messing around in boats. What this vile man really deserved was to die in his own filth, which fate, of course, the IRA spared him. And secondly, his death ensured that he would remain an icon of imperturbable British heroism, instead of finally getting the reputation that he deserved; of being a vain, egotistical, inept, brutal and deceitful psychopath.
These modest reflections came to mind as I watched yet another inane televisual celebration of war-time mythology, Wednesday's BBC2 programme about the canoe-borne commando raid on Bordeaux in December 1942. It was presented by Paddy Ashdown, the former Lib-Dem leader, who has turned himself into a living parody: the bluff and sage old warrior.
As he stood on the Bordeaux quayside, dabbing away the occasional manly tear, his stiff upper lip was not so much quivering as flapping like a whore's knickers in a northerly gale.
The legendary raid on German shipping was in fact nothing less than murder, as ordered by Mountbatten himself. The commando-canoeists had no idea where they were going before they embarked on a submarine, bound for the Gironde, the largest estuary in Europe. They had certainly not been trained for such an operation. Though mostly working-class boys who spoke neither French nor Spanish, and lacking any maps or civilian clothes, after planting their limpet mines, they were expected to make their way to Spain. Mountbatten knew that all captured commandoes would be shot, yet this ruthless, egotistical brute nonetheless sent them on their way.
The raid had originally been suggested by a commando officer, a clinically insane caricature of the British suicidal amateur by the name of "Goldie" Hasler. An already criminal project was made infinitely worse by the fact that the Special Operations Executive -- which co-ordinated resistance operations in occupied Europe -- was already planning an attack on exactly the same shipping, at precisely the same time. But instead of rowing 50 miles up a freezing estuary in mid-winter, the French would simply -- and rather more cleverly -- carry their mines aboard, masquerading as cargo.
Did Mountbatten know about the simultaneous SOE operation? We shall never know, Ashdown quivered gallantly into the sou' sou' wester blowing up the Bordeaux quayside. Well actually, I'd say that he knew full well and simply didn't care, because sending good men futilely to their deaths was what Mountbatten specialised in.
SO instead of the programme indicting Mountbatten, it was another celebration of the myth of the Cockleshell Heroes, even though one of the commandoes -- Sam Wallace, from Dublin -- was captured on the way up the Gironde and, alas, spilt the beans to the Germans before the remaining raiders had even reached their destination. Yet despite this, the remaining two canoes (of six) managed to attach mines to some enemy ships, though with no serious effect. Why? Because the raiders didn't even have a tidal chart, and so the mines exploded when the tides were out and the ships were already resting on the harbour bottom. The result was; no ships sunk, two men drowned, and six captured and shot (including Wallace).
Through all the bluster about courage, pluck and intrepidity, of which there was far too much and not nearly enough thought, Ashdown failed to point out that Mountbatten had ordered a comparably wicked glider-borne raid on Norway that very same week, again without maps or even any knowledge of the precise location of their target. After hours crossing the North Sea in bucketing, vomit-inducing gliders, all the raiders were either killed on landing or captured and shot. An Irishman named Farrell was tied to a burning radiator and tortured by the Gestapo before being murdered.
An earlier Mountbatten-inspired folly, the assault on Dieppe, was actually far worse: it ended in disaster for the Canadian attackers, with thousands dead or captured. Nonetheless, Churchill -- who was as much addicted to military folly as he was to ego and royalty -- appointed this serial butcher and military buffoon to be Supreme Allied Commander South East Asia. However, Mountbatten could do little damage in a region where the US was the prevailing military power.
All this was preparation for Mountbatten's defining hour; his truly cataclysmic vice-regency of India. Who can say how many hundreds of thousands of Indians died because of his blundering, ill-planned rush towards partition? Yet again, he walked away from this horror, much of which he had precipitated, with his reputation mysteriously intact.
Death is usually the prelude to a revision of the myths of such a public persona. But as the BBC's wretched tribute to the Cockleshell Heroes showed, and thanks in large part to the blundering and murderous idiots of the IRA -- in their own perverse way, every bit his moral mirror-image -- the abominable Mountbatten remains a great hero in the popular British pantheon. Well done, lads.
Maybe Kevin Myers finally understands that being Irish does not mean you can't criticize the British.
Maybe he found out that Mountbatten supported united Ireland
Much more likely Myers got passed over for a Saxe Coburg Gotha Knighthood again.