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Irish emigrating the unemployment rates in destinations.
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Irish emigrating the unemployment rates in destinations. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |

Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Wicklow
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Irish emigrating the unemployment rates in destinations.
Sean asked me for some assistance in this ... working out the unemployment rates in the most common destinations for Irish emigrants.
I reminded Sean that you should concentrate upon the under 25 rate ...for a true perspective of unemployment.
Also added the unemployment rate for under 25 males.
Note attention towards the significant General unemployment rate trend .. if rising or falling.
Worldwide economic downturn
These statistics show that it is not going to be so easy to get a good job anywhere .... you need to do your homework on emigration and look at the true unemployment rate in your age group and chosen regional area.
Irish emigrating to Australia
In Australia the general unemployment rate trend is now rising
Australia unemployment rate 5.3%
Australian unemployment rate under 25 years of age - %
unemployment rate under 25 Males in Australia - %
Statistics for under 25 t.b.c.
According to last year’s Australian Bureau of Statistics Labor Force Survey, the official unemployment rate for 15- to 19-year-olds is 16.0 %, nearly three times higher than the rate across the entire population.
The highest levels of youth unemployment are concentrated in working class regions, where Labor and Liberal governments—state and federal alike—have presided over the systematic destruction of manufacturing jobs during the past three decades. Unemployment rates for 15- to 19-year olds in these areas are well over 30 % and, according to the most recent census, more than 30,000 youth under 25 are homeless on any given night.
Irish emigrating to Canada
In Canada the general unemployment rate trend is steady to falling.
Canada unemployment rate - 7.1%
Canadian unemployment rate under 25 years of age - %
Unemployment rate under 25 Males in Canada - %
Irish emigrating to United States
In the United States the general unemployment rate trend is steady to negative.
United States unemployment rate - 9.1%
U.S.A unemployment rate under 25 years of age - %
Unemployment rate under 25 Males in US - %
Reports have placed the unemployment rate for the under-25 group as high as 54%
Irish emigrating to U.K
The number of people out of work in Britain rose to its highest level since 1994 in the three months to October.
The Office for National Statistics state that the number of people out of work was just under 2.64 million, its highest level since 1994.
UK public sector employment dropped to its lowest level since September 2003
For 2012, Britain's independent government forecasting unit, the Office for Budget Responsibility, predicts that unemployment will average 8.7%
In Britain the general unemployment rate trend is steady but negative - forecast significant rising from 2012.
U.K. unemployment rate 8.1%
The UK unemployment total for 16-24 year olds hit a record high rate of 21.3% in Oct 2011.
U.K. unemployment rate under 25 years of age - 20.9%
Unemployment rate under 25 Males in U.K. - 23.5%
Notes for Irish thinking of emigrating to find work.
Remember that like Ireland ... the internal unemployment rate of every nation ....will vary from region to region ...sometimes dramatically.
Unemployment statistics are from Eurostat and national Governments central statistics offices.
Use only for a general guidance .... in the common Irish economic emigrant destinations options for their national unemployment rates ... also under 25 unemployment rates.
All Irish thinking of emigrating need to do their own in depth analysis ...Do not rely upon any of these statistics being accurate or as any indication of available employment.
It is tough out there generally worldwide.