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Emigration Ireland national shame
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Emigration Ireland national shame Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Belfast and Donegal.
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Emigration Ireland national shame
We Irish as a collective - sat by and did all but nothing as generations of Irish were forced into emigration.
Irish forced to emigrate by direct British Colonial policy - and then by the British manipulated Free state governments.
This latest generation of Irish - sit back and watch their own Irish neighbors emigrate again - forced to leave their native Ireland because of the corrupt Irish politicians - who are nothing but puppets of the EU.
At the same time foreigners most of who are offering nothing special- no special skills come to Ireland - for welfare benefits.
The native Irish are emigrating - while the Irish who remain are forced to pay for the welfare of foreign immigrants.
Why is it - that most of the newer EU countries can get away with providing little or no welfare for their own citizens. the EU are actively encouraging a economic migration and welfare merry go round. The EU are encouraging ghettos and racial tensions.
Is it any wonder the birth rate in Ireland is going up - doubt it is due to native Irish.
Foreign immigrants imagine the free Irish hand outs are going to go on for ever.
Just taking Irish child benefit welfare payments alone - those payments that are claimed by immigrant families - are often more than the monthly minimum wage they could get back home.
Ireland pays more in child benefit to foreign immigrants - than full time work provides in much the EU - most all of the countries of Eastern Europe.
Even in Poland, one of the wealthier Eastern European nations, the comparisons are shocking.
For instance, there the official minimum wage is only £340 a month - Minimum monthly wage in Lithuania is only €231
Figures July 2011 Eurostat.
Irish child benefits social welfare handed over to a economic immigrant family - [family does not even have to be based in Ireland] with two children is €280
with three offspring Irish hand outs to foreigners is €447
Like someone mentioned before - these are not immigrants to be admired - they are clearly not even especially hard working -but they are taking zero risk.
If immigrants were harder working and willing to do the jobs the Irish will not do - explain how Immigrants on the dole make up a far higher % than the Irish national average.
If they are so proud and special just here to work - then explain how - a third of all rent subsidizes are provided to non nationals.
Ireland is borrowing this money to pay for foreigners to live on welfare.
Irish children will be paying for this EU led insanity.
The Government of Poland has the nerve to warn Ireland not to try paying their citizens anything but the full Irish welfare rates.
Has anyone seen what the Poles or the Lithuanians own governments offer their people in need of social welfare- or foreign immigrants working there - the answer is often nothing what so ever - and very little when the claim is approved. Child benefit there is 11 euro.
It is a scandal that Ireland should be subsidizing any foreign nations welfare. And a disgrace that the EU encourage this farce and the racial tensions that are bound to follow.
Name any nation on earth that wants to pay the welfare of another!
Why do Generations of Irish choose emigration rather than a fight for their rights at home.
Emigration Ireland national shame
The level of emigration rose by almost 17% in the year to the end of April, according to new figures from the Central Statistics Office today.
The report shows that 76,400 people left Ireland during the 12-month period, an increase of more than 11,000 on the previous year.
Emigration among Irish nationals is continuing to increase sharply, accounting for more than half of the total.
The number of foreign nationals leaving the country has fallen for the second year in a row. Welfare rates in Ireland for them is too good to risk leaving - that is the only reason why.
Meanwhile, the natural increase in the population continues to be very strong, with more than 75,000 births in the year to the end of April.
How many are born to native Irish children.
Official figures show that the number of people at work in the economy in the second quarter of this year was just over 1.82 million, down 37,800 or 2% compared with the same period last year.
The Central Statistics Office said, however, that the 2% annual fall was the lowest since the third quarter of 2008. The construction sector accounted for more than half of the fall.
The CSO's quarterly national household survey shows that 304,500 people were unemployed in the period, up 10,900 from a year earlier. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 14.2%, up from 13.9% in the first three months of the year.
The CSO has also revised up the latest estimate of the jobless rate - which came in the August Live Register figures - from 14.4% to 14.5%.
The long-term unemployment rate was 7.7%, with those out of work for more than a year now making up almost 54% of the unemployed.
The total number of people in the labour force in the second quarter was 2,125,900, representing a decrease of 26,800 (-1.2%) over the year.
The CSO said the biggest drop in employment over the year was in the 25-34 age group. Employment fell in all regions except the Mid-West and Midlands.
Employment fell in seven of the 14 categories over the year, with the biggest drop again in the construction sector - down 19,600 or 15.6%. The accommodation and food service sector recorded a fall of 12,600 or 10.5%. The CSO said these two sectors made up 85% of the total fall in employment over the year.
The number of people working in the public sector was unchanged compared with the second quarter of last year, but fell 1.3% when temporary employment for the census was excluded.
Big rise in number of people emigrating
CSO figures also show a big rise in the number of Irish people emigrating. Overall, 76,400 people emigrated in the year to April, up more than 11,000 or 16.9% compared with a year earlier.
Irish nationals accounted for just over 40,000 of this, up sharply from 27,700 a year earlier. Emigration by people from the newer EU member states accounted for a fifth of the total.
But the number of immigrants coming in to Ireland also rose over the year - from 30,800 to 42,300 - leaving net outward migration almost unchanged at 34,100.
The CSO said the population rose by 13,600 over the year to 4,484,300. The CSO said the natural increase in population - births minus deaths - continued to be very strong. There were just over 75,000 births during the year, while 27,400 people died. Dublin recorded the biggest fall in population, while the Mid-East region showed the biggest increase.
Wonder how many of those births are to native Irish.