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EU free movement for immigrant rapists and serious criminals

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Irish Author EU free movement for immigrant rapists and serious criminals Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message
Gerard Delaney Tipperary

Sceala Philosopher

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Re: EU free movement for immigrant rapists and serious crimi

bamboozileer wrote:
March 23 2018 6:43 PM

A roofer who carried out random and violent attacks on three women over a five-year period will be sentenced in May.

Polish national Slawomir Gierlowski (33) of Galtymore Road, Drimnagh, Dublin had denied attacking the women in 2011, 2015 and 2016 at locations around Clondalkin in south Dublin.

The most recent attack took place on Knockmeenagh Lane, Clondalkin, Dublin, not far from the other two attacks and near a house occupied by the family of Gierlowski's partner. The women cannot be identified for legal reasons.

Przemyslaw Jakubowski a Polish national and known criminal and sex offender in his native Poland - was allowed under EU law to enter Ireland and attack and rape.
This human trash was a known criminal sex offender in Poland - but EU laws against humanity allowed this scum to travel here and commit more evil.

Of course such evil crimes are not committed only by immigrants. We have our own home grown sick and evil, but the EU has encouraged and assisted criminals to come to Ireland and attack the vulnerable.

Ireland should take the EU to their own courts of human rights - and lay a charge against the EU for - encouraging and assisting sex offenders and other known criminals.
EU laws allow criminals to cross borders unchecked.
Irish politicians are mostly cowards, too scared of being labelled racist by extremely naive people. People who think they are so liberal, so free thinking - more interested in surreal civil rights than society.

Irish tax payers will now be paying to keep this evil in prison, probably paying for him to obtain some degree in social work.
He should be castrated, not cared for.
This evil sick coward should be deported to Poland and never allowed in Ireland ever again.
A man has been jailed for 15 years for ambushing a woman in public toilets in Kanturk and subjecting her to 30 minutes of rape and sexual violence.
Kanturk - Incident took place in the public toilets
A man has been jailed for 15 years for ambushing a woman in the public toilets of a Co Cork town and subjecting her to 30 minutes of rape and sexual violence in what was described as one of the most serious cases of rape to come before the courts.
Przemyslaw Jakubowski, 36, has previous convictions for attempted rape and robbery in his native Poland and had only been in Ireland for a few months when he carried out the offences.

He was convicted of 11 counts of rape, sexual assault, false imprisonment and threats to kill in May following a 12-day trial.
The court heard he does not accept the jury's verdict.
The attack happened in the middle of the afternoon after his victim went in to use the public toilets in Kanturk while she was running errands in the town.
Mr Justice Patrick McCarthy said it was one of the most serious rape cases the court has had to deal with in the recent past.

He said were it not for the fact that Jakubowski was a foreign national, he would have imposed a sentence of between 17 and 20 years.
But he had to take into account the fact that a prison sentence could be more isolating for someone who did not have roots in this country.

The judge said he was taking into account the adverse effect the crimes had had on Jakubowski's 30-year-old victim.
He said she had been changed by what had happened and the offences had deeply scarred her and had long-term consequences.
The judge said her immediate reaction at the time had been worry for her child whom she had been due to collect.
In a victim impact statement read to the court, the woman said she had been in fear of losing her life.
She had been raped not once, not twice, she said but so many times.
She described the great difficulty she had had in sitting in the witness box during the trial while Jakubowski was only a few feet away from her.
And she spoke of the agonising wait she had had for test results to check if she had contracted any diseases.
She said she was determined to put her life back on track.

<span>Lithuania Woman charged in connection with rape by gang in LurganA 33-year-old woman has appeared at court in Lisburn charged in connection with the rape of a woman by a gang and an attack on a man in Lurgan last week.
The attack, at Dingwell Park in Lurgan on 13 July, lasted for about 12 hours.
Edita Matijosaitiene, 33, of Bluestone Hall, Craigavon, is originally from Lithuania.
She is accused of lying to police and helping her boyfriend to avoid arrest. She was refused bail. A 21-year-old man is also being questioned by police.</span>

Lithuanian Rapist Darius Porcikas jailed for Lurgan attack

The couple were understandably reluctant to talk about the shocking events of November 25th, 2007 when they were beaten, abused , raped and threatened with their lives by a vicious Piotrowski a former Polish soldier from Nysa in the south of the country and with an address at Clonmullen Hall, Edenderry.

Roma gypsy was convicted of rape in his home country

A Roma gypsy who stalked and attacked two women was freed on bail despite being convicted of rape in his home country ' a court has heard.

Raitan Ciurar was jailed for three years and ordered to leave the country once his sentence is completed after he pleaded guilty to the violent burglaries in September 2010.

The Circuit Court heard evidence the predator was released on bail as he was awaiting trial for these attacks despite objections from gardai.

Once freed the violent dad-of-one fled the country forcing detectives to apply for a costly and time-consuming
European arrest warrant to get him back.

In jailing the suspect for five years, with two suspended, Judge Pat McCartan launched an attack on members of the Roma community.

He said: 'I assume from his appearance he is a member of the Romany community and he came here to do what all of them tend to do which is to take to the streets and beg.'

Earlier in the case Det Gda David Gilmore gave evidence that on September 21, 2010, Ciurar followed an unknown female as she walked down South Circular Road in Rialto, Dublin.

Thirty minutes later he followed a second woman, Ms Miriam Power, past the same location and robbed her.

The court heard Ciurar dragged the woman in her 40s to the ground by the hair, assaulted her and snatched her bag.

The attack only ended when a passerby came to the rescue and chased the thug ' demanding he return the bag's contents.

Just an hour later he followed another woman, 47-year-old Shuangyan He.

Det Gda Gilmore said: 'He put a knife to her throat and dragged her across the road and robbed three mobile phones.'

The callous thug kicked the Chinese national five or six times in the ribs while she lay on the ground.

Again neighbours came to the rescue and Ciurar fled.

The victim had an abrasion on the left side of her chest wall and a corneal abrasion on her right eye.

The suspect was charged with both assaults but less than two months later was granted bail by the High Court despite garda objections.

Officers argued that Ciurar had a previous conviction for the rape of a female in 2005 whilst a juvenile.

They also explained that the suspect posed a serious flight risk.

In March 2011 Ciurar skipped bail and returned to his native Romania.

In sentencing him Judge Pat McCartan said the Roma had 'an attitude of disregard towards women and also people in authority'.

Neither of his victims were in court yesterday.
Not all immigrants are bad, but we have too many that are bad, and we have too many evil ones and too many lazy scroungers here because there are no controls, what so ever.
Too many immigrants come to Ireland for welfare - it will be no surprise if this rapist was discovered to be on social welfare.
We have too many immigrants sitting around doing nothing but drinking in public places - paid for by Irish social welfare.
The Garda seem powerless or indifferent to any complaint about gangs of immigrant drinking in public.

Give the Irish people a chance for democracy, and see just how sick we all are of the EU open door. We have too many immigrants here who do not add to the economy, too many immigrants who come here to only take and abuse.

A woman and her family have been made victims for life because of this immigrant scumbag with previous sex crime convictions.
It is sickening and perverse to hear a Irish judge take into account any consideration for this sick animal.
Castrate him and then deport him back to Poland, let Poland and others start looking after the welfare of their own, especially their criminals.

What was the plan of Irish politicians during the last decade? To destroy Irish society and native culture.
They encouraged foreign immigrants into Ireland in unprecedented numbers.
A million immigrants flooded into Ireland in just a few years, Ireland had a population of 4 million.
To comprehend a similar impact, imagine -
15 million foreign immigrants going into the UK, 15 million inside of a single decade.
75 million foreign immigrants allowed into the United States, 75 million inside of a single decade
This is not a fair or sensible immigration policy, this is invasion and colonization by economic means. It is not asking for trouble, it is insisting.
All our politicians do is talk about immigrant rights and welfare.
What about Irish native culture and our rights to our nation!

We are all paying for foreign immigrant fraudsters.
Most welfare fraudsters are foreign immigrants.
Over 20% on the Dole are foreign immigrants.
Over 30% collecting rent welfare are foreign immigrants
These figures are indisputable facts from the government offices involved.

Does anyone know if this sick criminal was in receipt of welfare?
Was this sick criminal being cared for by the Irish tax payers - Was he given rent allowance and job seekers allowance - while our own people go without?

Ireland provides welfare rates that are better paying than average full time jobs in Poland and many other EU nations.
What other outcome was expected of such insanity?

Ireland must act now - We must either and preferably -
Stop all welfare to non nationals or -
Pay them at their own nations rates and terms and conditions.

We will soon have no problem with immigrants - because only the decent and workers will be attracted.
Not the scum.
Ask one of the many EU educated workers here to work and not just take - they know for every one like them - Ireland is actively encouraging a multiple of the criminals, the lazy and social misfits.

Another example of sick evil scum that was allowed in, if not encouraged into Ireland by a out of control ungovernable EU laws and Irish politicians who could not care less what goes.

By Lynne Kelleher

Wednesday January 23 2008

The heartbroken sister of an Irish mother-of-two, raped and strangled by a Czech man with 27 previous convictions, says she is disgusted the murderer was allowed into Ireland.

David Brozovsky was jailed for life at the Central Criminal Court in Dublin on Monday for the horrific attack on 37-year-old Sharon Coughlan.

Her sister, Caren Coughlan, yesterday said Sharon would be alive today if there had been more controls on foreigners with criminal records entering Ireland.

She said: "We are devastated and disgusted he was allowed into this country.

"She would be alive if that man had been stopped coming into Ireland.

"She was raped and murdered. It was horrific and nobody should have to go through what we're going through, and what Sharon went through."

Brozovsky, originally from the Czech Republic, has 25 previous convictions in his home country for theft, extortion and battery, as well as two previous convictions in Belgium for theft and aggravated theft.

He arrived in Ireland in July 2006. His girlfriend and child, who also accompanied him, had left before the crime.

Caren Coughlan told the 'Gerry Ryan show' their family will never forgive the Czech murderer for robbing Sharon's children, Ciara (10) and Dean (5), of their mother.

She said: "Apparently, he did say sorry. What does sorry mean? The only thing he's sorry about is getting caught."

Her sister Caren said that her oldest sister, who lived in Longford, was full of life.

"She loved socialising and meeting people, she was the life and soul of the party and would do anything for anybody."

Her killer dragged her into a vacant house where he had been taking drugs, before raping and strangling her, on September 15.

She said her family immediately knew something terrible had happened to Sharon when she stopped answering her phone on that day.

"Ciara contacted me and Orla to say she couldn't get through to Sharon's phone, and then Orla and myself continued ringing her phone and we knew there was something wrong.

"Sharon never had the phone turned off, day or night. I don't know what we even thought, but we could never have imagined what had happened to her."


And Caren paid tribute to the judge and the gardai for their compassionate handling of the case.

A spokesperson for the Department of Justice last night said that a ban on EU members with criminal records entering Ireland would not be feasible or practical.

He added that it could impact on existing data protection and human rights legislation, as well as creating inordinate travel delays.

"Freedom of movement is one of the benefits of being in the European Union. If a ban were to be introduced, each State would have to bring in border checks," said the spokesperson.

"There is no centralised criminal records database that would allow each State to check people as they entered. It would take a lot of time to check every record.''

"The gardai maintain close co-operation with police in other jurisdictions and are pro-active in acting against anyone thought to be a threat," he added.

The opposition agreed that banning convicted criminals from entering the State would be "unworkable".

Fine Gael justice spokesperson, Charles Flanagan, last night said that the idea for an outright ban on criminals entering the country was a "non-runner".

But he said member states should be provided with more information relating to citizens who have committed serious offences.

What a joke! in casual language remark, he thinks he answers, imagines he portrays some credit on the matter. Imagines he closes the matter.

Banning the travel of serious criminals, should not only be done it could be done and can easily be done.
If governments and can track non tax payers across borders! If credit and debt agencies can track!

It is a matter of intention, and making at least some attempt.
These overpaid EU puppets do not appear to have the slightest intention to protect Ireland and Irish citizens.
Reminds one of the same attitude of the past, turn their backs and not even attempt to address.
Clearly unpaid debts are more important than people to the EU and its over paid puppet masters!

Anyone think that this typically less than useless and overpaid so called politician, would use such casual language - "non runner" - if their child was the victim of a foreign EU cross border serious criminal.


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EU Survey Finds Ireland Has Highest Crime Rate Reply with quote

EU Survey confirms Ireland's crime rate worst in Europe - O'Keeffe

With almost 1 in 4 people victims of crime, McDowell has lost the fight against criminals

The independent EU survey of crime confirms that Ireland's crime rate is one of the highest in the EU with almost one in four people saying they have been a victim of crime, Fine Gael Justice Spokesman Jim O'Keeffe has said.

"The EU International Crime Survey was conducted in the EU 15 countries plus Poland, Estonia and Hungary and found that Irish people are more at risk of assault, burglary, theft and sexual attack than virtually all other EU states. It revealed that 22% of Irish people have been victims of crime, compared to the EU average of just 15%, and confirming that Ireland is in the grip of a crime epidemic.

"The survey's results show crime levels in Ireland are far higher than official State figures, confirming that very many crimes are not being reported, and that crime has been getting worse under Michael McDowell. Even the official crime figures from the CSO show that since his first full year as Justice Minister, murder is up 43%, gun crime up 39%, and rapes are up 25%.

"Ireland is singled out in the EU survey for having the highest level of robbery in the EU, and double that of Greece, which came a distant second. Sixty per cent of robbery victims in Ireland said more than one offender was involved in the crime and that money was stolen in half of all cases. In terms of car thefts and burglary, Ireland was third highest in the EU, while only the UK was higher in both categories.

"These stark findings confirm that urgent action is needed to tackle the growing crime problem. We need to tip the balance of justice back in favour of the victim, not the criminal. Fine Gael has unveiled tough proposals to tighten the bail laws and impose tougher sentences on serious criminals. The revolving door justice system pioneered by Michael McDowell has given criminals free rein to offend, safe in the knowledge that they will soon be out on bail. More than 5,000 crimes are committed every year by criminals out on bail.

"Fine Gael's proposals include:
Giving judges the option to electronically tag suspects before they are released on bail, so that they can be monitored at all times;
Giving the Director of Public Prosecution a new power to directly appeal applications for bail;
Drawing up sentencing guidelines to advise judges on appropriate, tough sentences for all serious crimes, particularly those involving gangland crime;
Ensuring that prisoners have to earn the right to remission of their jail terms;
Properly and adequately resource An Garda Siochana, including a commitment to bring the Force to 15,000 members and make it the best-resourced and equipped police force in the EU."

Assault victim dies after coming to aid of cousin
Three charged as life support switched off
By Conor Kane and Brendan Furlong
A FATHER of three who was seriously assaulted when he went to the aid of his cousin has lost his fight for life in hospital.

The family of James 'Jim' Doyle (40) said a tearful goodbye in Beaumont Hospital yesterday, as they switched off the life-support machine which had kept him breathing since he sustained serious head injuries in the early hours of Saturday.

It is understood that he was set upon by a group of men after trying to help his cousin, Neil Doyle, who came under attack close to a nightclub in Gorey at about 2.30am.

Three foreign nationals were brought before a special sitting of Wexford court yesterday evening in relation to the incident.

James Doyle was originally from the Gorey Hill area but lived in The Rock area, on the outskirts of Gorey, with his wife Margaret and children Fionn (15), Tiernan (12) and Erin (7).

A keen athlete, he participated in a number of marathons over the years, and also played some years ago with the local Tara Rocks football club. He was also known for his fundraising work for local charities.

Friends of his son were sent home early from Gorey Community School yesterday afternoon, after word came through of Mr Doyle's death.


It is believed that Mr Doyle and his cousin were in the Mezz nightclub in Gorey on Friday night and left before 2.30am on Saturday morning.

They were on their way home and went their separate ways before the cousin came under attack from a group of people.

James Doyle went to help his cousin but was himself assaulted, suffering serious head injuries in the process.

The scene of the crime, at Forte Road in the town, was later sealed off by the gardai.

Mr Doyle was rushed to Wexford General Hospital and later transferred to Beaumont Hospital in Dublin, but was left in a critical condition by the assault.

His family yesterday made the decision to switch off the life-support machine and a post-mortem will be carried out today.

His 26-year-old cousin was also taken to hospital and is believed to have sustained a broken jaw during the incident.

Friend Darren Keegan last night described Mr Doyle as "a family man" who loved his sport and did everything he could for his children. "It's absolutely scandalous that something like this could happen in a small town," he told the Irish Independent. "He was a grand chap."

Wexford District Court heard yesterday that Lithuanian national Mantis Kriksciunas ( 18 ), of The Avenue, Gorey; and Latvians Artus Janovskis (23), of The Gallops, Ramsgate Village, Gorey, and Roman Muhins (19), of Station Court, The Avenue, Gorey, were all charged with recklessly intent causing serious harm to James Doyle, and with assaulting Neil Doyle causing him harm.

They were all remanded in custody by Judge Donnchadh O Buachalla, to appear at Cloverhill District Court this Friday.

Garda Robert Dignam said that Mantis Kriksciunas said: "I don't like when somebody calls my mother a bitch, and calling me a f*****g foreigner," to one of the charges. He replied "I was just saving myself" to another charge.

Garda Damyanj Jaksic told the court that when the charges were put to Roman Muhins, he replied: "I don't know what to say." Artus Janovskis made no reply to the charges.

Gda Dignam also said the charges against the men would be later withdrawn, and more serious charges preferred.

- Conor Kane and Brendan Furlong

Irish Independent

NO SURPIRSE! that it was reported later that solicitor Ed King for one of the scumbag murderers, said his client, a native of Lithuania, was 18 years old and unemployed. He applied for free legal aid on his behalf.
later that they all got free legal aid paid for by the citizens of Ireland.
Sickening, another example of the little to no actual overall benefit most of these supposed immigrants bring to Ireland, many have zero actual skills!
in this case these scumbags from a completely different cultural backgeound from eastern europe brought only a nightmare loss to the family of the Irish lad and a financial burden to all of us!
Only the greedy business owners gain anything from those who actually do a weeks work.
Many like some or all of these scumbags are unemployed.

Over 20% on the Dole are foreign immigrants.
Over 30% collecting rent welfare are foreign immigrants.

When these immigrants were working, most of them were on minimum wages and not paying a single cent in any tax. Most of them sent more money home than they spent in Ireland. Billions are gone and still going out of our economy, lost forever. At the same time those of us who pay tax, have to pay for the children of immigrants to over crowd our schools and limit the available resources to our own children. We have to pay millions to teach some of these immigrants English. We have to pay more millions providing translators in legal proceedings. The Garda Siochana spent almost '3 million on interpreters last year, as the number of immigrants requiring translators continued to grow

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