| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Ireland closed to tourists. VIP and Jedward freaks only |
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Ireland closed to tourists. VIP and Jedward freaks only
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Ireland closed to tourists. VIP and Jedward freaks only Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Gerard Delaney Tipperary
Sceala Philosopher
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Ireland closed to tourists. VIP and Jedward freaks only
Ireland is now officially closed for at least a week.
No free movement allowed. The curfew is relaxed only for VIP's and Jedward freaks only. All Jedward freaks must be approved prior and must wave only approved flags, and sing approved anthems.
Welcome to Ireland's new tourist attraction the North Korean experience.
The latest tourist attraction in Ireland is truly a unique experience, all tourist attractions are closed to tourists, Irish or foreign. Come experience the magnificence of our closed to the public signs.
Dublin Closed to tourists and any Irish who think they are free.
Cork Closed to tourists and any Irish who think they are free.
The Rock of Cashel is closed.
Ireland's motorways closed
Families of the Irish soldiers who gave their life fighting for Ireland, no you can't honor them when you want, go away, VIP guests only.
Irish streets closed to tourists and any Irish who think they are free.
Parks across Ireland closed to tourists and any Irish who think they are free.
The N7, N4 and M50 will be completely closed.
Dublin Zoo will be closed
Is the message clear enough? Tourists go away, if you want to experience the freedom of Ireland, rent the movie. Ireland is closed for the week.
The good news for certain prior approved tourists.
Curfew relaxed on application for special privileged VIP's. Celebrity seeking freaks of the Jedward mould are allowed with prior approval of the state to wander freely in control zones clearly marked.
Look for sign of drugged sheep and stay within limits and at all times.
Notes to the Jedward type freaks.
movement may be restricted during hours of daylight.
No individual posters or flags or closed sandwiches will be permitted.
A approved type flag and a commemorative souvenir outlining all permitted songs and sentiments will be provided along with your security pass by state security.
Enjoy your state controlled Ireland experience, Enjoy your state controlled Ireland tourism experience, Enjoy your state controlled experience.
You will enjoy your state controlled tourism Ireland experience.
End of state message.
State visit restrictions outlined
Gardaí have announced road closures and traffic restrictions as part of the security operation for the visit of the Queen Elizabeth to Cork and Tipperary next week.
While the visit to both counties does not take place until next Friday, some of the security related traffic restrictions are being put in place from Monday.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny said today he hoped members of the public would not be inconvenienced by the traffic and parking restrictions planned for both the visit of the Queen and US president Barack Obama.
However, the Garda had a duty to put in place an adequate security operation for both visits. He said all of the restrictions were being publicised well in advance of the visits.
"I hope people will understand that this is necessary, but also on the understanding that this is a brilliant opportunity to present Ireland as the kind of people we are,” said Mr Kenny. "I know the Irish people have been very understanding on occasions in the past when President Reagan and President Clinton were here."
In Co Tipperary, where the Queen will visit the Rock of Cashel, traffic flow restrictions on the M8 are being put in place from next Monday until next Friday.
Both carriageways will be reduced to one lane. Vehicles must reduce their speed below 100kmph on a 10km stretch from just north of junction 7 to just south of junction 8.
Next Thursday evening, the only access to Cashel will be from junction 9 of the M8, as all other exits will be closed.
Between 6pm next Thursday and noon the following day, gardai will place a cordon around Cashel, effectively sealing off the town.
Only those with valid passes, such as local residents and business owners, will be allowed through the 7km outer cordon around the town. There will be no access via a shorter inner cordon.
Cordons will also be placed from Thursday evening until noon on Friday around Fethard and Killenaule, although gardai have said business will continue as normal in those places.
On Friday afternoon the Queen moves on to Cork, where major traffic restrictions will be put in place in a bid by gardai to shore up security.
From 10am many streets in the city centre will be closed but other routes around the city will remain open for motorists.
The city centre areas to be closed from 10am next Friday include: South Link Road inbound, Station Rd, Anglesea St, South Mall, Grand Parade, Patrick St, Academy St, Washington St, Sheares St and Dyke Parade.
No parking will be allowed in those areas from 6pm on Thursday.
Many of the streets in Cork city centre will see crowd control barriers erected and while pedestrians will be able to move about unimpeded they will only be permitted to cross roads at designated crossing points.
However, there will be no pedestrian access on some city centre streets next Friday between noon and 4pm.
These include: Princess St Upper, junction of Oliver Plunkett St and Patrick St, St Augustine St to Tuckey St, junction of Tuckey St and Grand Parade to Electric Bar South Mall, Washington St, junction of Grand Parade to South Main St.
During the four days of the Queen’s visit, between May 17th and 20th, the N7, N4 and M50 will be completely closed at times. Dublin Zoo will be closed on May 17th and 23rd.
This state oppression for what are supposed to be positive events.
The state control just makes a complete mockery of the argument for the visits of these two VIP guests. And costing now not the suggested 7 million of a month ago, but at least 30 million.
3o million.
What we could have done with 30 million to genuinely attract tourists. Given all 30 extra tourist who are coming this year a million each, even that would be a better investment.
The only people allowed anywhere near the VIPS will be vetted and approved, just how sad is that.
The control freaks might just get away with it.
If they can stage manage the events, show smiley faces on those approved, waiving their provided flags.
A happy and content Irish population can be suggested to the media. TV crews will be herded towards the happy/drugged up lines of up zombies and freak fans of celebrities.
If the Irish state control of events works to plan, those who can report live will be ushered towards this sub species and then corralled in by same.
The sort of sub species who can watch state controlled TV for the dumb. images of Jedward and Mary Byrne and somehow see talent through the obvious freak show.
Principal free, culture free, brain dead zones controlled by the state and their no questions asked call of duty guards.
I feel sorry for the guards, imagine having to talk to the type of freak who would make a day of this.
Freaks will be planning their special days out now, packing their picnic baskets, and they are going to be a lot thicker than your average bear.
Has Ireland ever produced so many freaks of apathy, content to be told how to live. That is probably a very stupid question.