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Best natural home made Hayfever cures Remedies for hay fever
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Best natural home made Hayfever cures Remedies for hay fever Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Best natural home made Hayfever cures Remedies for hay fever
Love the summer, hate hay fever. I suffer so bad from around now until september. Coughing sneezing runny eyes, I get the lot and bad.
Can you please share any home cures for hayfever that have worked for you.
I am scared of taking drugs for so long every summer and they do not seem to make things much better.
Make a list as we get them shared.
Best natural home made Hayfever cures
Your DIY home made remedies for hay fever.
Trying now some Garlic to make being outside more bearable.
Garlic for hay fever is mentioned, garlic is great for preventing hay fever. Garlic is extremely anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral
For those not allergic to it, garlic can sometimes help control the reactions to pollen and other allergens. Garlic is not a cure for hayfever but can help hay fever symptoms.
A note of caution — garlic, and other alliums can raise or lower blood sugar.
Natural hay fever remedies
Honey is said to cure hay fever because the bee pollen in honey can desensitise your body to other pollens. Increasing honey in your daily dietary intake should reduce hay fever symptoms significantly. Make sure you use local honey to your area to see the best results.
When to take: daily before hay fever season starts.
Chamomile tea
An antioxidant and antihistamine, chamomile tea also contains flavonoids and acts effectively as an anti-inflammatory agent. While best taken as a cuppa during the day, chamomile tea can also be used as an eye compress. The compress provides a cooling effect to swollen, red eyes caused by hay fever and reduces irritability considerably.
When to take: Daily - as a cuppa, or as an eye compress. Make sure to use a fresh compress for each eye to avoid infection.
Making and using a compress:
Step 1 - Submerge an instant chamomile teabag in water. Leave it there for at least 3 mins.
Step 2 - Dump out the water and gently squeeze the excess water from the teabag.
Step 3 - Refrigerate the chamomile tea bag for 15 to 30 mins and remove from the fridge once cool.
Step 4 - Hold the cool tea bag against the swollen eye for up to 5 mins at a time.
Step 5 - Allow your inflamed eye to breathe for an hour before attempting to re-apply a new compress.
Top ten hayfever remedies
This top ten list of cures includes drugs, I have tried all of those from the chemists and none of them work for me, not without making me so sleepy.
There are many drugs that can relieve the symptoms of hay fever: some over the counter, some prescription. Antihistamines, the commonest, used to cause drowsiness, but many versions available today do not have this side-effect. Dr Martyn Lobley, a GP, says: “Patients who need treatment only now and again should use an oral antihistamine; acrivastine is quick-acting and cetirizine is long-lasting. Those who suffer all summer should try a steroid nasal spray. Beclometasone is a good first choice, starting preferably a month before the hayfever season begins.
If you take any hay fever medicine it's important to discuss it with a doctor or pharmacist.
A 1995 study of pollen- sensitive patients found that they did not respond to honey with traces of pollen in it. This could suggest that honey desensitises the body to the pollen, so that it no longer causes a reaction. This in turn reduces hay fever symptoms.
There is a single clinical study hinting that dried nettle extract pills can relieve hay fever, but it was conducted nearly 20 years ago and there are no more recent trials, nor clear guidance on how much to take. There is research that shows it might have an effect on the body's defence mechanisms. A number of experiments on human subjects and in the test tube showed that nettle can reduce the production of some of the chemicals involved in an allergic response, including prostaglandins. This does not mean that it will soothe hay fever, merely that it might be worthy of further investigation.
A two-year study, completed in 2005, suggests that self-hypnosis may help hay fever. The patients received between two and five sessions on self-hypnosis and recorded their symptoms as they practised the techniques over two hay fever seasons. In year one the study group showed a significant improvement over the control group, who were not taught hypnosis. In year two, this group were also given hypnosis training and showed the same benefits as the first group.
To stop pollen getting up your nose, a single clinical trial indicated that spreading a blocking cream inside the nostrils, such as Vaseline, can reduce the symptoms. And don't forget to wash the dog after it comes in from rolling around in the grass.
This hot chemical from chillies does seem to ease hay fever. Normally applied as a spray under medical supervision, patients taking it report a rapid and long-lasting relief. Capsaicin taps into a particular cell-signalling system in the human body. There is a considerable amount of research into its many effects and it appears to have the potential to treat a number of conditions, including hay fever. Be warned though; the nasal membranes are very sensitive and snorting ground chilli could be extremely painful and might even cause blistering.
Also known as Petasites hybridus, extracts of butterbur plants are found in a number of herbal hay fever remedies. And there is some evidencea to suggest that it is effective. A review, published last year, examined six clinical trials of butterbur and found encouraging evidence. As always, more research is required, particularly as half the studies had been sponsored by the makers of a particular brand of butterbur extract. All herbal remedies should be taken with care and make sure that you tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines.
Acupuncture is often offered as hay fever relief but the evidence on whether it works is not clear-cut. A 2006 review concluded, tentatively, that it can have a positive effect. What's more, the researchers found that it might be more effective when combined with traditional Chinese medicine. However, as this uses a large number of plants and herbs, discovering which ones are effective will take a lot of research that has yet to be done. You can have acupuncture both before and during the season.
Stockist Contact the British Acupuncture Council (020-8735 0400), acupuncture.org.uk , for practitioners in your area; from £35
There is a suggestion that the chemical quercetin, found in many foods, can help to ward off hay fever. Onions contain a particularly high concentration of the chemical. There is no evidence that eating lots of onions is harmful.
A common method of easing hay fever is to desensitise the sufferer with regular vaccinations of pollen about eight weeks before the season starts. A newer technique is sublingual immunotherapy (Slit), in which drops are placed under the tongue. The membranes in the mouth allow the active ingredients to penetrate, preparing the body for the pollen onslaught. It is not yet widely available.
Dr Toby Murcott is a science writer and broadcaster
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