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Irish Protest the visit of the British sectarian bigot Queen
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Irish Protest the visit of the British sectarian bigot Queen Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Brian T Dublin
Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Irish Protest the visit of the British sectarian bigot Queen
What do you all think will happen if the British Queen makes her visit to Ireland.
We all know that some Irish are very angry and intend to oppose in physical protest any official state visit by a British Queen. How will this section of Irish public opinion protest? Will it be a peaceful protest. Very Loud but peacefully is the most effective way to protest.
Times are not good, riots are going on in the UK right now because of economic cutbacks. Ireland has had to endure far more economic cutbacks.
Clearly many Irish opposed the visit at this time. Will this group, probably the majority in Ireland make any protest?
Polls have shown that the majority of Irish are not interested at all, completely indifferent in welcoming the British Queen.
Should this reaction by the Irish be any shock?
Understandable when so much economic worries are around.
But this is no ordinary or regular visit by a foreign head of state.
There is no parallel visit in modern states.
This would be the equivalent of a modern Israel welcoming the head of the German government, that was the direct line successor from Hitlers Third Reich.
The British Royal family have been the main cause and beneficiary of war and terror in Ireland, and they remain so.
The British royal family orchestrated the divisions in Ireland for their personal benefit.
The British Royals purposely planted divisions in Ireland, so they could appropriate the resources of Ireland.
The British Queen has never apologized for her families and empires war crimes in Ireland, crimes that made her and her family very wealthy.
Fact of history
The anti Irish and anti Catholic campaigns in Ireland by the British, were mostly led by the British Royal family.
With the notable exception of Cromwell, who was in effect another British regal looking to steal Irish wealth by force, the British crown is responsible for the terrorism in Ireland.
As other posters have stated here, the slaughter of the native Irish people was ordered by the British Crown, for the direct benefit of the British Royal family.
The British crown terrorized Ireland, seized assets and appropriated resources. The sectarian British crown impoverished the native Irish, They further amplified their cruelty and theft by imposing tithes (taxes) for the upkeep of their imposed state church - the Church of Ireland(England). Tithes were payable in cash or kind and payment was compulsory, irrespective of an individual's religious adherence.
Many Irish people were killed and punished for resisting payment to this church of British state terror.
All church of Ireland(England) assets in Ireland were paid for by ordinary Irish people, this money was forced from them via state terrorism. The Anglican church in Ireland is founded upon the proceeds of terrorism, crime.
In 1831 alone, at least 242 people in Ireland were murdered for resisting Anglican Church tithes. 242 premature deaths of Irish people were directly attributed to seizure order enforcement of Anglican tithes, in just a single year.
The head of the Church of Ireland / England, the Anglican church back then as now, is the British Monarch. Benefiting financially from cruelty, from terrorism.
The British queen and the sectarian views she holds.
The British Queen is a Church of England bigot, she encourages extreme anti Catholic views. The Anglican church started the sectarian Orange Order in order to protect crown appropriated assets in Ireland.
If you seriously consider that the British Queen Elizabeth is not a sectarian bigot, and that Irish people who protest the Royal family are extremists. Can you explain why -
1. The British Queen has never once condemned the actions of Loyalists terrorists in Ireland and the UK ? British loyalist terrorists carried out every act of terrorism, murdered in her name. Criminals and terrorists such as Billy Wright and Johny mad dog Adair, the Shankill butchers, they all sang God save the Queen before and after targeting innocent Irish people for murder and bombings.
2. Can you explain the 1701 Act of Settlement still British law today. Any member of the British royal family must renounce his or her claim to the throne if they join the Catholic Church or marry a Roman Catholic (this occurred as recently as 2008).
London, England, May 2, 2008 (CNA) - A woman engaged to a member of the British royal family has renounced her Catholic faith to maintain her fiancee’s position in the line of succession. Autumn Kelly, 31, was received into the Church of England. She is to be married to Peter Phillips, Queen Elizabeth II’s eldest grandson, on May 17. Phillips, who is currently eleventh in line to the throne, would have had to renounce his claim had she not converted.
The British queen is a anti Irish Catholic Bigot
Some Posters on here seem to confuse anti- Catholic with anti-Irish.
Some Irish think they can ignore the anti Catholic sectarian attitudes encouraged by the British queen. These people are innocent and naive, they do not understand the negative effects the British Queen has on racists. The Irish, all the Irish, regardless of beliefs are the same to the bigot.
For the sectarian bigot there is a complete overlap between anti-Irish racism and anti-Catholicism. These hates are the one and same for the mindless who attack people for appearing Irish. And those mindless anti Irish cowards are encouraged by the British sectarian Queen.
The Irish have been lied to by their politicians and leaders for far too long and frequently.
The fact is the Irish people never invited this sectarian bigot British Queen to Ireland. Time to say no.
The Queen is the direct successor to those who stole our land, she has money and wealth today that are part of those criminal acts of British state terror. The wealth of the British crown is founded on the proceeds of criminal acts.
No welcome in Ireland for the sectarian British Queen.
The sectarian Queen the direct successor to other sectarian and anti Irish British Crown bigots.
In 1831 alone, at least 242 people in Ireland were murdered, these premature deaths of Irish people were directly attributed to seizure order enforcement of Anglican tithes.
The head of the Church of Ireland/England Anglican church is the British Queen.
Posters available online show how angry many people are at the proposed visit of the sectarian queen.
The leaders of Ireland insist that we should welcome this sectarian British Queen. They would do. They are the same leaders who have betrayed Ireland to foreign bankers, many of them British.
The British crown have robbed the Irish banks before.
Just before independence in Ireland, the British Crown ordered all the silver and gold bullion in Irish banks (except those in Northern Ireland) to be sent to London. That was Irish money, The equivalent in today's money is over 100 billion.
After the founding of the free state, Ireland was made bankrupt for decades, forced to buy her freedom from the British Crown.
This week a Irishman who manages a football club in the UK was sent a parcel bomb in the post.
The people who sent the bomb sing God save the Queen.
Do you think the British sectarian bigot Queen will condemn this terrorism? Her personal condemnation would have discouraged many Loyalists terrorists, but she has always kept silent.
The UFF and UDA mural in honor of their Queen and leader.
This is not a gracious Queen, or noble Queen. She actively promotes sectarian bigotry and anti Irish racism.
Has she ever disowned her Loyalist terrorist followers?
The sectarian British Queen who has never apologized.
The British sectarian bigot Queen who encouraged anti- Catholic and anti-Irish crimes and terrorism by her silence, by her doing nothing.
British army and British Loyalists terrorists both murdered and terrorized in her name. For Queen and country.
Misplaced welcome.
Only Irish ignorance and a friendly naivety would welcome such a arrogantly sectarian and racist woman.
She waves a harp as a symbol of ruling Irish people. Irish people who never once throughout history democratically or otherwise gave her that right.
We are not all going to pretend the British monarchy is not anti Irish and anti Catholic.
Her silence, her lack of basic morality has encouraged anti Irish British terrorists.
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