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Irish on twitter. Who is the most followed Irish on twitter.

       Irish on twitter. Who is the most followed Irish on twitter. Irish on twitter. Who is the most followed Irish on twitter. Information
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irish on twitter. Who is the most followed Irish on twitter.

Sinead Duffy of Monaghan is the most followed Irish on twitter.
She has more followers on Twitter than any other Irish person, but Sinead Duffy is hardly a household name.
Sinead Duffy has over 425,000 followers on Twitter.
Her fanbase on Twitter is much bigger than that of celebrities such as Ryan Tubridy (37,000 followers), Jedward (174,000) and Miriam O'Callaghan (18,000). She has almost as many followers as famous names in the United States such as Sarah Palin and Deepak Chopra.
How does Sinead Duffy get so many followers on Twitter?
Sinead Duffy'S tweets are not the usual mundane details of everyday life, tweeting how bored she is etc.
Sinead Duffy takes pride in revealing nothing personal about herself at all on Twitter. She says she has no desire to be the next Lady Gaga.
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Instead, she hit on a simple idea to attract followers.
She tweets quotes and words of wisdom that she has painstakingly collected.
The sayings sent out from her site Greatest Quotes are from writers, philosophers and self-help gurus.
Followers of the Monaghan businesswoman receive several quotes from Sinead on their mobile phones, laptops and PCs every day.
"Generally I would try to pick quotes that have a positive message,'' says Sinead.
"Those kinds of messages would be extremely popular, particularly in America. In fact, the message that I get from Ireland can be a little bit more cynical.
"Tweets are ideal for quotes, because they are short, concise bits of information.''
Sinead does not see Twitter as part of her social life.
"I am actually a very private person by nature. I wouldn't be going online to chat to people I am not even on Facebook.''
Sinead originally joined Twitter in April 2009 as a way of promoting her business as a life coach.
"To me Twitter is not about building up your ego and seeing how many followers you can get.
"I use it to increase traffic to my website and that benefits my business.''
The life coach can now offer her services to web users all over the world.
Sinead, who recently gave birth to a baby boy, says she can coach customers from India to California using a Skype phone connection.
The aim of the coaching is to help people to achieve their personal and career goals.
"A lot of what the coaching is about is achieving work-life balance,'' she says.

As well as using Twitter to promote her life coaching, Sinead can also use it to direct her followers to her Internet book store. Most of the books sold are self-help titles such as The Habits of Highly Effective People and Feel the Fear... And Do It Anyway.
She is an avid reader and writes down quotes in a notebook if she thinks they are memorable.
"Short quotes probably work best and resonate more,'' she says.
"Twitter allows you to use 140 characters, but I would find that I often use much fewer than that.''

Having developed the site and compiled the quotes, it now works automatically. Almost every hour it sends out a message to her 400,000 followers.

She used to spend a long time selecting material. Now she only has to work on it one day every month. She receives thousands of messages from followers all over the world, and tries to respond to as many of them as possible.
Sinead Duffy can measure the popularity of her quotes by the number of times they are re-tweeted by other Twitter users.
One of the most popular sayings that she has posted is from Mark Twain: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did.''
Albert Einstein is also one of the most popular sources for entries on Sinead's Twitter site. Among numerous sayings from the scientist is: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving."
What makes Sinead the most followed Irish on twitter.
The most popular quotes are those with greeting card sentiments .
The formula for Sinead's success may be simple, but the popularity of her Twitter site shows no sign of flagging. She now attracts 13,000 extra followers every week.

Who ever Mark Twain was when he was alive, if he really was a great free thinking mind, who else thinks he would have a real problem with people fascinated by quotes.
"Twenty years from now, if you are lucky enough to have any personality brain cells left, you will regret all the time you wasted reading irrelevance and shallow nonsense, tweeted and re-tweeted on Twitter''
If Mark Twain was alive 2011.
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