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Irish protest at Leinster House against politicians

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Sceala Philosopher
Location: Dublin

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irish protest at Leinster House against politicians

A number of protestors have gathered in outside Leinster House Dublin to mark the first day of the new Dail term.
Many are opposing Government cuts and the supports being offered to banking institutions.
One man remains in Garda custody after he drove a cement truck up to the gates of the Daíl early this morning.
There are up to 20 individual groups or causes protesting.
As people gather at the Daíl there have also been demonstrations outside the Anglo Irish Bank headquarters on nearby St Stephen's Green.
Irish Community Images
Fine Fail or Fine Gael - there is no difference
Both happy to sell the soul of Ireland and both have taken the native Irish for fools.
In the last decade, Ireland had the highest levels of immigration in the world.
Fine Fail and Fine Gael, they both defend the unprecedented and unfair levels of immigration into Ireland.
A million immigrants flooded into Ireland in just a few years, Ireland had a population of 4 million.
What about Irish native culture and our rights to our nation?
To comprehend a similar impact, imagine -
15 million foreign immigrants going into the UK, 15 million inside of a single decade.
75 million foreign immigrants allowed into the United States, 75 million inside of a single decade.

This is not a fair or sensible immigration policy, this is invasion and colonization by economic means.
All our politicians do is talk about immigrant rights and welfare.
The Irish people did try and say enough is enough, we voted No to Lisbon.
Both Fine Fail and Fine Gael ignored the Irish people and democracy, they demanded we vote again for the Lisbon Treaty.
Irish Community Images
Look at the Fine Gael brainwashed followers, some of them were attempting to prevent even a fair discussion of a No vote to the re-run Lisbon treaty.
Fine Gael and Fine Fail posters about Jobs.
We should all know by now that we native Irish have been betrayed, sold out by our own Irish politicians, all of them.
Short memory.
Remember when we democratically voted NO to Europe, and our own government ignored democracy, and made us vote again. They said we were in trouble, if we did not vote again and this time get the answer correct, we would lose jobs. Remember all those posters about 'jobs'. Vote yes for jobs.
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Irish Community Images
Irish Community Images
Sold out by Fine Fail and Fine Gael
Irish Community Images
No need to Guess any longer. They were total lies by Fine Fail and Fine Gael.
They lied to us all. Irish jobs have been lost, Irish jobs continue to be lost. Irish jobs are not being protected or provided by the EU. None. The opposite is happening, and that is what the EU is about. Make the smaller nations dependent upon Germany and France.
Master plan of the EU for Ireland
We all know that we had criminal banks, but how many of us were told that the EU were also involved. The EU financial regulators allowed foreign bond holders and speculators to invest in our bad banks for guaranteed returns, all paid for by the Irish tax payer.
Rating agencies
The same rating agencies that are helping destroy Ireland's reputation, are the same agencies who recommended buy Anglo, and were saying buy, all is good with Anglo, right up to the bust.
When Ireland finally declares bankrupt
The EU will be there to help us out, but only because we go down, so do they by domino effect. Before they provide any assistance, the EU will call the Irish politicians bluff. The EU are set to demand that Ireland discard the only positive economics we have left open to use. Our low corporation tax. We can expect that our politicians will sell us out and short again.
In fact, Fine Gael are part of the EU body that wants to force Ireland to raise corporation tax.
The EU and Lisbon means
It does not matter what bail out, or how many jobs are promised by Cowen or Kenny, or the EU. Immigrants will compete for them en masse, and more immigrants will come to bleed us into failure again.
Open borders equal open season on Ireland and the Irish.
Knowing that social welfare in Ireland, pays more than they get in employment back in their own countries. Economic immigrants from Eastern and central Europe, from Africa and Asia will keep on coming to exploit the naivety of Ireland.
They will come, and keep on coming until we change the Irish welfare system. The native countries of all voluntary and economic immigrants - should pay all social welfare needs for all of their own citizens residing in Ireland. The only exception could be Irish or foreign employers in Ireland who state they have to import a foreign worker. Let these greedy business owners underwrite the risk, and totally.
Ireland would reciprocate this fundamental. This system would ensure that no Irish politician could ever use Irish emigration as a safety valve.

Until such time, the main Euro immigrant scam is to take any job in Ireland - no matter the terms or conditions, for a period and then be set for life, free everything in Ireland. All paid for by the naive Irish, who will have to go without themselves for the sake of economic migrants, not genuine asylum seekers. Of the other immigrants, not one in a hundred is a genuine asylum seeker.

We are paying for Eastern European economic immigrants. Nigerians and Asian economic immigrants. We owe these people nothing. We never invaded them in the past or ever emigrated to their lands in any number.
We may owe the US and Canada. We may owe Australia and England. These nations took in the Irish when we had to leave to find work. But we do not owe a thing to Eastern Europeans or Africans, or Asians, they are all -voluntary foreign economic migrants to Ireland.
The European Union is the death of the native Irish and Ireland as a distinct nation.
Our politicians collectively are liars, and criminals who should be locked up.
Irish Community Images
The Irish are only made to look like silly monkeys by a pack of liars, who call themselves politicians.
The vast majority > 72% of Irish people want to see a reduction in the number of non-Irish immigrants living here.
Source - Irish Times /Behaviour Attitudes opinion poll.
The Irish people do not want the unprecedented number of foreign economic immigrants already scamming Ireland.

Most welfare fraudsters are foreign economic voluntary immigrants.
Over 20% on the Dole are foreign immigrants, every one a voluntary immigrant.
Over 30% collecting rent welfare are foreign immigrants, every one a voluntary immigrant.

These figures are indisputable facts from the government offices involved.
Take the foreign economic voluntary immigrants out of the equation and Ireland will be fine.
Our free hand outs are so good, they all come here to collect dole and welfare. Take any job they can for a year or two, and as the rules stand, the voluntary foreign economic immigrants are set for a life on social welfare in Ireland.
A Irish social welfare that rewarded more financially than the average full time job would do in the volunteer immigrant's own country.
This has got to stop, we can not afford to pay for this many non nationals, no nation could afford this. We do not want this many immigrants here anyway. The number of immigrants to native population in Ireland is far too high, it is unprecedented in the world. It is not fair and will lead to social unrest and the total breakdown of society.
Everyone Irish I know is now anti this number of immigrants. We believe they have taken us for a ride and laughing at us. The Irish politicians collectively do not appear to care.

The Irish social welfare system was designed for the native Irish population
The Irish welfare system has broken down. The Irish welfare system is bust because we are paying out billions of welfare to voluntary foreign immigrants.
The governments of Poland and Lithuania, to name but two of the expanded EU, must be the biggest fans of the foolishly generous Irish and their lying Politicians. Charity begins at home in their own countries. Google Eastern Europeans social welfare rates and systems. A critical EU fault line, that Ireland must address is obvious.
This Irish charity reality check - is why most unemployed foreign voluntary economic immigrants are still in Ireland. They are not going home, and they have no intention of going home, as long as the Irish welfare system continues to reward them.
Of course some immigrants have left Ireland, unfortunately the most able and best qualified will leave. The foreign voluntary immigrant laborers and general workers, who directly compete with a native Irish surplus, are not going to leave charity Ireland as things stand. The typical unemployed foreign voluntary economic immigrants in Ireland, are not going home in numbers. They are not leaving Ireland in anywhere close to the numbers projected by our lying politicians.
This week figures showed that more native Irish are leaving Ireland, than voluntary economic foreign immigrants. It is the native Irish who are now forced to leave their own country, they have given up hope in their native land.

Until Ireland refuses to pay any social welfare for voluntary economic immigrants. Foreign economic immigrants will keep flooding into Ireland in disproportionate and unfair numbers. Large scale foreign economic immigrants will keep choosing to come to Ireland, until the -voluntary immigrants own countries are forced to pay for their own citizens welfare.
That is the only fair policy for the EU. The only fundamental welfare policy that is fair to all nations. The only welfare policy that can make national politicians accountable.
It is unlikely that the EU will ever encourage a fair welfare policy.
The Irish as a distinct culture or nation, can not survive inside the EU.

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