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Mary Byrne X Factor D Dub sings I love you.
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Mary Byrne X Factor D Dub sings I love you. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Dublin
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Mary Byrne X Factor D Dub sings I love you.
Susan Boyle shift. Much better Irish singer in town. D Dub Mary Byrne.
Singing Tesco checkout worker Mary Byrne has said she’s no Susan Boyle following comparisons after her audition on last night’s show. Mary wowed the judges and audience in Dublin with her rendition of Shirley Bassey’s ‘I Who Have Nothing’ to sail through to bootcamp with four yeses from the judges.
Talking after her audition to News Of The World, Mary said: “I can’t wait to be famous!”
Simon told Mary after her audition on last night’s show: “I think you’ve had the best voice out of anyone who auditioned today. Seriously good.”
However despite comparisons with Britain’s Got Talent star Susan Boyle, Mary insists they’re very different: “It’s nice to be compared to her in the sense she is someone who made it big.
“But Susan has a softer voice than me, mine’s very strong and deep. Susan was shy. But I’m embracing the limelight. Now I’m aiming to get to the live finals, get a nice contract and become the singer I want to be.
“But my family will keep my feet on the ground.”
New Susan Boyle on X Factor?
A new Susan Boyle has been discovered on 'The X Factor' after Mary Byrne - who struggles with her self-confidence - wowed audiences with her rendition of Shirley Bassey's 'I Who Have Nothing'.
A new Susan Boyle has been discovered on 'The X Factor'.
Shy supermarket worker Mary Byrne reduced judge Cheryl Cole to tears as she belted out the Shirley Bassey classic 'I Who Have Nothing' in an upcoming episode of the hit ITV1 show, which will be aired tomorrow (28.08.10).
Her audition in Dublin shows the 49-year-old singer struggling to muster the confidence to showcase her talents - just like the former 'Britain's Got Talent' runner-up - but eventually blowing Simon Cowell, Cheryl Cole, Louis Walsh and guest judge Katy Perry away with her rendition of the track.
Simon told her: "I think. no, I know, you have an amazing voice. I don't know why you suffer from no confidence.
I absolutely love her, she's genuinely a lovely woman with a great talent and I hope the audience loves her too. She deserves this break.
"I absolutely love her, she's genuinely a lovely woman with a great talent and I hope the audience loves her too. She deserves this break."
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Mary is not the only surprise in tomorrow's show.
Student Lisa Parker, 17, has spoken out about her stand-out audition, which will see her best friend and singing partner Abbey Johnston lash out and hit her across the face after Simon said they gave "the worst audition in history".
She told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "All of a sudden I felt something across my head. I just remember being hit and then having a headache. I think Abbey only hit me once but then a security guard grabbed her and another one pushed me against the wall so I couldn't get to her.
"If Simon hadn't been so nasty this probably wouldn't have happened."