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Irish genealogy online Ireland ancestry census

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Sceala Clann T.D.
Location: Wicklow

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Irish genealogy online Ireland ancestry census

1901 Census all Ireland 32 counties search and free.
Great news for Irish family researchers.
Following the 1911 census going online ......the 1901 census has now been made available for free research online.
Just like the 1911 census ...the 1901 census requires no registration to use in entirety ....both Irish census are free to search ....and the individual results are also free to collate.
The Irish census are very informative ....they do not just show the exact place of residence at the time of census for your individual search ...the census search results also show the names first and surname ....of all others present in the property on the day of census ....their relation to stated head of family ....all individual ages ...all individuals place of birth ...rank profession or ...religious profession level whether able to read and write ...all persons who could speak our native Irish language ...and if bi-lingual to speak both Irish and English.
Both Irish census can provide the researcher with detailed information about the residence ...number of rooms and windows .....the quality of build ...materials used.

The 1901 and 1911 census are not exactly what one could term as being politically correct ...the census required all resident in Ireland to state if they were afflicted then as ....Deaf and Dumb ...Dumb only ...Blind ....Imbecile or Idiot ..or lunatic. Which does rather beg the question ...who would fill the returns if all present were deaf and dumb or lunatics ...or both. The subtleties of arguments involved in the decisions as to ....who was a imbecile ...not yet a idiot et cetera ...within a Irish family household ...must have been quite a spectacle.

My wife spent some time last night researching the 1901 census returns. My wife found several relations that the 1911 census did not show least not where she could best guess they would be residing at this time.
These census were the central reference in making our own Irish family trees ...they have proven most invaluable ...we have been able to connect the most illuminating links to relations and professions. I am most enthused because I found my maternal paternal..My Mother's Father's family present on the 1901 census ..My Mother was very excited to read this today.
You can start your own Irish family tree for people residing in Ireland in 1901 or 1911 ....all returns are free ....and you can save them to you computer. The search is very easy to use ...and the results usually very clear.

The presentation of these census proves Ireland and the Irish people can be exceptional ...if they put their minds to it.
I understand that Ireland is unique in making this genealogy census service and totally free to the public.

More information about the 1901 census
1901 and 1911 Census digitisation project
All 1901 and 1911 census returns now online
Census example
Irish Community Images
Census updates
A census of the Irish population was taken every ten years from 1821 until 1911 and manuscript returns for each household survive for all 32 counties for 1901 and 1911. The returns are arranged by townland in rural areas and by street in urban areas. The returns for each townland or street consist of:

(a) Forms (Forms A) were filled in by the head of each household, giving the names of all people in that household on census night and their age, occupation, religion and country of birth.

(b) Forms (Forms N, B1, B2) were filled in by the official taking the census, summarising the returns for that townland or street.

No manuscript returns survive for 1861, 1871, 1881 and 1891 but there are some returns for 1821, 1831, 1841 and 1851 covering parts of counties Antrim, Cavan, Cork, Fermanagh, Galway, King's County (Offaly), Derry (Derry), Meath and Waterford.

A list of names of heads of household in the returns of 1851 for Belfast City and Dublin City can be consulted in the Reading Room as can the 1851 Dublin City Census, Chart's Index of Heads of Household CD-ROM compiled and edited by Seán Magee (Eneclann, 2001).

There are also census search forms for each county giving the results of searches made in the returns of (largely) 1841 and 1851 for old age pension purposes and these are organised, within each county by barony, parish, townland and the name of the applicant. The result of the search is also noted, though a positive search did not necessarily locate the applicant.

An index to the 1841 and 1851 census returns is to be found in the Old Age Pension Act claim forms which have survived and which are available to consult on microfilm in the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland while there are also some other copies made from the returns of 1821-1851 available to consult in the Reading Room of the National Archives.

The (so-called) Agricultural Census for county Antrim, 1803-1804 and County Louth, c.1800-1816, is available in the National Archives under Official Papers OP 153/103 and OPA 163 respectively. This is not a census as such, but rather returns of live and dead stock as well as corn and implements, returns taken when the country was in a vulnerable military state.

Although differing significantly in format and the type of information found in the censuses taken in the 19th and early 20th centuries as described above, another source for genealogical research is the religious census of 1766, authorised by the Irish House of Lords in March of that year "to return a list of the several families in their parishes to this House on the first Monday after the Recess, distinguishing which are Protestants and which are Papists, as also a list of the several reputed Popish priests and friars residing in their parishes". This census survives in original or transcript form and is organised under the headings of parish, county and diocese and a list of the returns for each diocese is available to search. Download diocesan returns list - pdf format.

The Elphin Census (M 2464) for the Church of Ireland diocese of Elphin has now been edited by Marie-Louise Legg as The Elphin Census, 1749 (IMC, 2004). The data for this census was collected under the direction of Edward Synge, the bishop of Elphin who was anxious to know the proportion of Protestants to "Papists" - the census revealed the ratio to be 3 Protestants to 39 "Papists". There are no surviving details as to the identity of the enumerators or as to how the census was conducted.

“Some Inhabitants of the Baronies of Newcastle and Uppercross, Co. Dublin, c.1650” (M 2467) has been edited by Richard Flatman for the Irish Genealogical Research Society (volumes 7-8, 1989-1993). It details lists of householders and servants organised according to parishes and townlands - the fullest entries include name, age, stature, face, hair, occupation and disability and approximately 4,000 names are returned.

Genealogy centres nationwide Ireland
The county-based genealogy centres listed below hold indexes of parish registers for the whole of their county unless otherwise indicated, in addition to other genealogical sources. The centres provide a research service based on the indexes they hold but do not normally allow members of the public direct access to them.

Please note that the National Archives does not accept any responsibility for either the work done or the fees charged by any of the centres listed.

Ulster Historical Foundation,
Unit 7,
Cotton Court,
Waring Street,
BT1 2ED,
County Antrim,
Northern Ireland.
Tel: + 44 (0)28 9033 2288
Fax: + 44 (0)28 9023 9885

Armagh Ancestry,
38a English Street,
County Armagh,
BT61 7BA,
Northern Ireland.
Tel: + 44 (0)28 3752 1802
Fax: + 44 (0)28 3751 0180

This centre is not functioning at present

Cavan Genealogy,
1st floor,
Johnston Central Library,
Farnham Street,
Cavan Town,
County Cavan.
Tel: + 353 (0)49 4361094
Fax: + 353 (0)49 4331494

Clare Heritage and Genealogical Centre,
Church Street,
County Clare.
Tel: + 353 (0)65 6837955
Fax: + 353 (0)65 6837540

The Lisdoonvarna Archive -

Cork City Ancestral Project,
c/o County Library,
Farranlea Road,
Cork City.
Tel: + 353 (0)21 4346435

Mallow Heritage Centre,
27-28 Bank Place,
County Cork.
Tel: + 353 (0)22 50302
Fax: + 353 (0)22 20276

Derry Genealogy Centre,
10 Craft Village,
Shipquay Street,
BT48 6AR,
Northern Ireland.
Tel: + 44 (0)28 7126 9792
Fax: + 44 (0)28 7136 0921

Ulster Historical Foundation,
Unit 7,
Cotton Court,
Waring Street,
BT1 2ED,
County Antrim,
Northern Ireland.
Tel: + 44 (0)28 9033 2288
Fax: + 44 (0)28 9023 9885

Donegal Ancestry,
The Quay,
County Donegal.
Tel: + 353 (0)74 9151266
Fax: + 353 (0)74 9151702

Dublin City Library and Archive,
138–144 Pearse Street,
Dublin 2.
Tel: +353 (0)1 6744999
Fax: +353 (0)1 6744881

Note: The publications, original archives, microfilms and transcripts held in Dublin City Library and Archive are available free of charge in their Reading Room at 138 –144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. In addition, transcripts of church records for some Roman Catholic and Church of Ireland parishes in Dublin City are available free of charge on the Irish Genealogy website at

Dún Laoghaire Heritage Society,
Craft Courtyard,
Marlay Park,
Dublin 16.
Tel: + 353 (0)1 2047264

Swords Historical Society,
Carnegie Library,
North Street,
County Dublin.
Tel/Fax: + 353 (0)1 8400080

Irish World Family History Services,
Family History Suite,
51 Dungannon Road,
County Tyrone,
BT71 4HP,
Northern Ireland.
Tel/Fax: + 44 (0)28 8774 6065

East Galway Family History Society,
Woodford Heritage Centre,
County Galway.
Tel: + 353 (0)90 9749309
Fax: + 353 (0)90 9749546

Galway Family History Society West Ltd,
St Joseph's Community Centre,
Ashe Road,
County Galway.
Tel: +353 (0)91 860464
Fax: +353 (0)91 860432

This centre is not functioning at present, but transcripts of church records for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kerry and some Church of Ireland parishes in Kerry are available free of charge on the Irish Genealogy website.

Kildare Collections and Research Services,
Main Street,
County Kildare.
Tel: + 353 (0)45 448350

Rothe House,
Parliament Street,
Kilkenny City,
County Kilkenny.
Tel: + 353 (0)56 7722893
Fax: + 353 (0)56 7751108

Laois & Offaly Family History Research Centre,
Bury Quay,
County Offaly.
Tel/Fax: + 353 (0)506 21421

Leitrim Genealogy Centre,
County Library,
County Leitrim.
Tel: + 353 (0)71 9644012
Fax: + 353 (0)71 9644425

Limerick Genealogy,
c/o Lissanalta House,
Dooradoyle Road,
County Limerick.
Tel: + 353 (0)61 496542
Fax: + 353 (0)61 583135

Longford Genealogy,
17 Dublin Street,
Longford Town,
County Longford.
Tel: + 353 (0)43 41235
Fax: + 353 (0)43 41279

Louth County Library,
Roden Place,
County Louth.
Tel: + 353 (0)42 9335457
Fax: + 353 (0)42 9337635

Mayo North Family History Centre,
Castle Hill,
County Mayo.
Tel: + 353 (0)96 31809
Fax: + 353 (0)96 31885

South Mayo Family Research,
Main Street,
County Mayo.
Tel/Fax: + 353 (0)94 9541214

Meath Heritage and Genealogy Centre,
Town Hall,
Castle Street,
County Meath.
Tel: + 353 (0)46 9436633
Fax: + 353 (0)46 9437502

This centre is not functioning at present

Laois & Offaly Family History Research Centre,
Bury Quay,
County Offaly.
Tel/Fax: + 353 (0)506 21421

Roscommon Heritage and Genealogy Centre,
Church Street,
County Roscommon.
Tel: + 353 (0)71 9633380
Fax: + 353 (0)71 9633398

Sligo Heritage and Genealogy Society,
Áras Reddan,
Temple Street,
Sligo Town,
County Sligo.
Tel: + 353 (0)71 9143728
Fax: + 353 (0)71 9135416

North Tipperary Genealogy and Heritage Services,
The Governor's House,
Kickham Street,
County Tipperary.
Tel: + 353 (0)67 33850
Fax: + 353 (0)67 33586

Tipperary South,
Brú Ború Heritage Centre,
Rock of Cashel,
County Tipperary.
Tel: + 353 (0)62 61122
Fax: + 353 (0)62 62700

Tipperary Family History Research,
Excel Heritage Centre,
Mitchell Street,
Tipperary Town,
County Tipperary.
Tel: + 353 (0)62 80555/6
Fax: + 353 (0)62 80552

Irish World Family History Services,
Family History Suite,
51 Dungannon Road,
County Tyrone,
BT71 4HP,
Northern Ireland.
Tel/Fax: + 44 (0)28 8774 6065

Waterford Heritage Services,
St Patrick's Church,
Jenkin's Lane,
Waterford City.
Tel: + 353 (0)51 876123
Fax: + 353 (0)51 850645

Dun na Sí Heritage Centre,
County Westmeath.
Tel: + 353 (0)90 6481183
Fax: + 353 (0)90 6481661


Wicklow Family History Centre,
Wicklow's Historic Gaol,
Kilmantin Hill,
Wicklow Town,
County Wicklow.
Tel: + 353 (0)404 20126
Fax: + 353 (0)404 61612

Census of Ireland 1901/1911

The household returns and ancillary records for the censuses of Ireland of 1901 and 1911, which are in the custody of the National Archives of Ireland, represent an extremely valuable part of the Irish national heritage. Read more about their digitisation.

All thirty-two counties for 1901 and 1911, searchable by all information categories, are now available on this site. Corrections and improvements will be ongoing, and we are very grateful to all users who have submitted corrections to us. A small amount of material is missing from the site, and will be placed online as soon as possible.
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