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Location: Scotland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     I didnt know this

What We TreatHeroin AddictionMethadone AddictionMorphine AddictionCodeine AddictionSubutex AddictionDetox 5 Extra
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Codeine Addiction
Codeine is a widely prescribed medication for pain relief which is usually taken orally. It is also widely available in compound preparations over the counter in chemists and supermarkets. The body converts codeine into morphine so its effects are similar, if less intense.
Like morphine and heroin, it is also an addictive substance and often becomes a drug of abuse. Doses in excess of those recommended or long-term use can lead to complications and when combined with other, over-the-counter pain relievers, liver, kidney and stomach damage can develop.
A wide variety of prescribed and over-the-counter preparations have the potential to become drugs of abuse. These drugs are vital medical tools when used properly, but some patients can become addicted to them.
Common signs that someone is abusing painkillers include:
•Taking medication without seeming to have the symptoms of an underlying medical disorder
•Taking medication in excess of the recommended dose
•Taking larger and larger doses of medication to relieve symptoms
Part of the challenge of managing and treating addiction to these painkillers is that, compared to illegal substances, they are relatively easy to obtain. The risks associated with abuse of painkilling drugs vary according to the drug but all can lead to medical problems, overdose and even death.

solphadine , is one of those where addiction can become a problem , its available in any chemist shop , pretty scarrie .

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