Irish Forums Message Discussion :: The way of life .

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The way of life .

       The way of life . The way of life . Information
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Irish Author The way of life . Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Location: Scotland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     The way of life .

I dont know if you all had an order of such in your life growing up , by this I mean your Dad had a chair nobody but him sat on , was never said dont sit there , you just never did , or someone had a particular job they just did , looking back on my upbringing it seemed sometimes it was hectic and not very well structured , but when someone stepped out of line , was as if some force gathered the powers that be into our liveing room ...and it was swiftly sorted , you felt sort of dazed , what happened just there , are we still alive , where did that belt come from , did it get you ..or was it only me . The war wounds were examined , and of course if you had none , you pretended you had , but secretly smirking that you were this time ...the good child , of course we all agreed that our parents were cruel , and we should all run away , I did coax the brothers to do so ..and right away , and id stay behind and take the flak ...the fools ....

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