| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: THE DEMISE AND EROSION OF A COUNTRY |
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THE DEMISE AND EROSION OF A COUNTRY Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |

Location: United States
Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Have you ever seen first hand how a country that was once great, cracks and flounders amid its own actions?
Have you ever seen a more perfect place than the USA crumble because of poor leadership and guidance?
The people of the USA in the past 20 years, have seen this happen. Piece by piece, bit by bit slowly wash down the drain because of sheer lack of performance by our leaders and not one politician or should I not blanket that statement and say the majority of our political leaders have had a huge hand in all of this.
In the past 20 years, I have seen the cornbelt of the USA being gobbled up landwise and businesswise by foreign investors, the biggest one being Britain, who own the majority of the farmlands in the USA in this region of the cornbelt. Hawaii, a virtual mecca for all sorts of tourism is owned primarily by the Japanese, not a bad move by them in lieu of us dropping the bomb on Nagasaki and Hirosima, told you before, orientals have long memories and this site of the Hawaiian Islands is a mecca for tourism but it is a huge strategic stronghold for the USA in the South Pacific Islands. Funny thought here, Hawaii wanted to become a state, which it did and now they want their sovereignty back to become independent again.
Foreign commercial fishing boats in and around Alaska, fighting an all out war over the seasons catch for lobster, salmon, tuna and to top it off, as remarked in a previous thread, Putin of Russia plants a flag on our soil of the Soviet Union, just to test the waters? Or to warn the USA that the Russians are at our back door? You be the judge of that scenario.
On our mainland wee have a cornucopia of problems to deal with. Where does one start off? We have seen for many years that the War Against Drugs and the War Against Gangs has not even made a dent into that fiasco after billions upon billions of dollars have been spent on trying to eliminate our towns and cities of these dope dealers and the low life's that need to be gang bangers.
We have the immigration problems, I am not specifically talking about the Hispanics, I am talking about every illegal alien that is in this country and sucking the life blood out of our system. I could care less if they are Hispanic, Cuban, Africans, Irish, Chinese, it makes no difference to me, they are in this country illegally, and the politicians are sitting on their collective butts no doing one damn thing about it. God forbid if one of these monkeys does something dramatic like kick them all out of the country, fine the living bajesus out of any employer that hires any illegal alien. The illegals should go through the same process as millions of other legal aliens have, no questions asked, if it was good enough for our forefathers it is good enough for these people. There is no reasonable excuse for not doing something about this calamity. The illegal aliens are denying our social systems by the billions of dollars, denying our children the right to a good education. Why is it that all directions and government forms are printed mainly in English & Spanish? If you live in the USA legally our primary language is English, so why do we waste tons of money for dual language forms?
I hope that the Fotune 500 business enterprises that did outsourcing years ago are seeing the fruits of their endeavors now, finding out that outsourcing to China has been disasterous to our foods and toys for our children and who knows what else will pop up, all for what, to make and extra % of the marketplace which equates to millions upon millions of dollars for these fat cats who can pull the cord on that corporate parachute and retire with millions of $$$ in the bank while some children die from the poor making of goods from these companies.
Iraq.....we have had 4,000 deaths from the coalition forces since this fiasco started. Out of the 4,000 dead servicemen and women, approximately 3,750 have been USA troops. When just today on the news, the Premier of Iraq tells Hillary Clinton and some other senator, "hat if the USA does not like what the interim government of Iraq is doing, Iraq can find more help from around their region to help them"......Sounds to me that it is time to pull up stakes now in Iraq and let the Iranians help Iraq with their CIVIL problems........The job of the USA was done when the Premier was running a 'shadow government" for the Shiites, it turned into a civil internal war then and we as soldiers can not and will not get involved with the interanl politics of a civil war.....the coalition troops completed their mission, they rounded up Hussain, all his henchmen and now Malachai wants us to stay and get killed, even though his governemnt is riddled with terrorists now.....so bring our troops home where they are needed and appreciated.......these middle eastern countries have been at each other throats and in wars ever since the beginning of time......again, the politicians would not let the coalition troops do what they were trained to do, add to that, armament, from flak jackets to ammunition.....we could not supply our own troops with protection? What kind of idiot goes into war unprepared and expects to win?
The politicians of the USA have altered our rights so much that we can not even turn around without some agency spying on us! Unauthorized wire taps, checking the internet for disparaging remarks from people like me and checking them out to make sure we are not 'the enemy', plotting against the governament, sounds like Big Brother all over again and he is watching.
What happened to an honest election in this country? What happened to quality education in this country? We do not vote for the President of the USA, we still to this day have an antiquated system of the Electoral College who votes for the President. This is the damn 21st century people, whatever happened to the Constitution of the United States, shreaded to pieces by the attorneys and special interest groups.
What ever happened to "one man one vote"? Why must there be only 3 primariy parties and we get to pick one candidate from each party to vote for the Presidency? It is not much of a chouice in my estimation, perfect example is good old # 43, George W Bush, a 2 term President who will go down in the history books as the WORST President the USA has ever seen.
Why do we allow the panderings of special interest groups in Washington D.C.? Get rid of them. Get rid of the senators and assemblymen that are dead wood and do nothing to earn their money...... Have an election, but for Gods sake, allow us, the people to have a choice of several candidates from each party. Put a limit on how much money a candidate can accumulate to run for the Presidency, no need for these billion dollar war chests from the special interest groups......If you look closely at the inner workings of the political process in the USA, you will see that the special interest groups are the ones running this show.....
Bring back basic education to the school system, concentrate on the English, Math, Science, History, lets get back to basics, instead of all this Hispanics Studies, Japanese Studies, African American Studies, this is the USA, if students want to learn about their own roots, go outside the classroom to the library to learn about their roots, not in the public school system......
Why is it that when illegal things happen in the USA, money seems to be the answer? Why can't we just go in and fix all the wrongs that have been done over the last 20 years, so we can have adequate and above adequate education for our children, have our social system back in order, take care of the USA internally first......we have a lot to fix and it will probably take more than 20 years to accomplish our goals, we can be a powerhouse again, bring back the steel mills, bring back all the jobs that are outsourced overseas, make it palatable to the business owners that we can operate more safely materials to help our country, not cow tow to some foreign country......ever try to get directions on fixing your computer? I would say 8 out of 10 calls are routed to India and tell you the truth, I can not understand half of what they are saying over the phone and I do not like it one bit.....
Make it a law that a corporation can not do any corporate raiding of a companies benefits programs, mandatorily......we have a lot of work to do, the best way to do any of this is to write, email, fax your local, regional, state senators and assemblymen and women to tell them, change is wanted and what are your stances and opinions on whatever questions you have for them, get everyone involved from your local town meetings to your state representatives, ask them the hard questions, it is for all of our joint benefit, political parties aside, we are here to improve things in the USA no matter what it takes to change for the better.
The last thing is vote........bring someone with you who will also vote......it is a grass roots coalition and if you want change, work has to be done, not for us or our benefit, for our children and childrens children in years to come. If we do not do this, do not be surprised one day that another country has taken over the USA and trust me, you will not like what happens then.
Thank you for reading this.