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Scots accused of choking O'Gara

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Irish Rugby News

Irish Sports News Discussion:     Scots accused of choking O'Gara

The Irish rugby coach Eddie O'Sullivan has claimed a Scotland player deliberately tried to choke Ronan O'Gara in yestedays match. Ronan O'Gara lost consciousness during a ruck near the end of the match at Murrayfield.

"Someone had their arm around his neck, cut off his air supply and he went blue," said the Ireland coach.

O'Sullivan acknowledged that he had not seen it live but that he had been told of the allegations by Ireland players after the game.

"I'm sat in the stands like everyone else and he was at the bottom of a ruck with people on top of him, It's very difficult to cite anyone because the incident wasn't on TV. When the ruck broke up Ronan had gone blue and was losing consciousness. The doctor came on, checked his air supply was clear and he started breathing again. It's an unfortunate incident but it happened. It's very difficult to cite anyone because the incident wasn't on TV and unless the guy puts up his hand nothing is going to happen. The citing commissioner can ask a question or two but there's nothing to cite - you have to see it to cite it. Nothing will come of it because there's no evidence."

"If you want to find out who did it, you'll need to go to the Scottish dressing room. I'm just saying what happened."

O'Sullivan added that the incident was "totally out of character with the game".

"They're (the Scotland players) all honourable fellas and one of them will put their hands up."

Ireland captain Brian O'Driscoll added that O'Gara had been "a little shaken" but was "OK now".

"It's not a nice situation to find yourself vulnerable on a rugby pitch," added O'Driscoll.

"It's happened to me once and it's not a nice feeling. I'm sure Ronan would rather forget all about.

"You get games where there's an extra bit of bite but there was nothing malicious about this match."

A Scotland Rugby spokesman firmly denied any allegation of foul play.

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