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Thoughts of home .

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Irish Author Thoughts of home . Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message

Location: Scotland

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     Thoughts of home .

I could tell you how many footsteps took me from the cottage at home to the car that carried me from it , 23 to be exact , for I looked down at the ground trying to delay in my heart the obvious , looking back as you leave is a very hollow feeling , not like when your comeing home , nothing seems the same , you dont spot the same people and delight in seeing them , you just look away not wanting to see a soul , you leave the ocean behind you , the fields lose there lustre , in fact you try and convince yourself your better away , never works , as always someone waves , its not like a welcome , more like a solemn goodbye in you mind anyway , you then hit the town where your heart lept just a wee time before , now its a fairwell town , why is it now so silent you think , moarning me , wishfull thinking now out along the Derry road the foyle stretching before you , you almost wish some crises would occur to stop you going , it never does , your eyes long to look back , but your heart cant cope , tears are never far away , as you go along it nears the point when you know in your heart no one is calling you back .

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