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The immigration woes in America

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Location: Sailing towards the setting sun.....

Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:     The immigration woes in America

So, I'm assuming most here have heard of all the immigration troubles we are having in the U.S. what with immigrants crying foul because our government does no want them here. To an extent, I agree. I can see how people who are working for pennies on the dollar and not paying taxes would anger people. I can also see that these workers are taking the jobs that the average American won't.

What people are failing to realize is that these workers are the same as themselves. They are just trying to make a living. They don't realize that these workers don't own huge homes and expensive cars, dress in fancy clothes and eat at ritzy places.

It seems to me that the majority of the people complaining have no idea what it's like to have to struggle just to put food on the table. They can't fathom the thought of not owning a huge home and a luxury car. They couldn't possibly know what it's like to have to scrape to buy new work shoes for themselves, much less $150 sneakers for their children.

These people talk of getting these immigrants out of their stolen country (yes, from the Native Americans) and about how they're not welcome here. There was a story recently about how a popular place in Philadelphia put up a sign that reads along the lines of "If you can't speak english, you can't eat here". While it is the establishment's owner who can refuse service to any customer, this very attitude is exactly what is wrong with the world today. This is 2006, there are now more spanish speaking people in the U.S. than there are African Americans. It's a good possibility that in 50 years, white people, like this shop owner, will be the minority here. Every American, save for the Natives, is decended from immigrants. Our ancestors were no different than the immigrant workers we have now.

What will these people do when it is them who are the looked down upon? What will these people do when a spanish speaking shop owner refuses to serve them (I can already see a lawsuit)?
When will people realize that the world is changing and that it does not revolve around them? The selfishness and the ignorance of these people will lead them to ruin.

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