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Suicide rate in Ireland.
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Suicide rate in Ireland. Sceala Irish Craic Forum Irish Message |
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion:
Suicide rate in Ireland.
An Oireachtas committee has called for a big effort to reduce suicide in Ireland by 20% by the year 2016.
The Joint Committee on Health and Children's report into the high level of suicide published today contains more than 30 recommendations. They include new education initiatives; a positive mental health promotion campaign in the media and improved procedures for discharging and transferring mental health patients.
Suicide rate in Ireland.
A national screening programme for early intervention with problem alcohol users is also recommended. The chairman of the committee, John Moloney of Fianna Fáil, said he hoped the Government would supply funding of at least €60 million for action on the recommendations.
World suicide rates by comparison to Ireland.
Suicide rate in Ireland charts.
3 in 4 Irish people know a victim of suicide - survey
A new study looking at public attitudes to suicide in Ireland has found that almost three quarters of the population know someone who has taken their own life. The 32-county all Ireland survey, which was launched in Dublin this morning, was conducted for the Irish Association of Suicidology.
The organisation says it is the first time that our attitudes to suicide have been so comprehensively gathered and that the report gives a good insight into how we can tackle the issue, which results in over 400 deaths here each year. 74% of people in the Republic and over 50% of the population in the North of Ireland know someone who has died through suicide.
The report finds that young men - who are the age group most at risk of suicide - are also least of aware of how to seek help when they have mental health problems.
The IAS says there needs to be a radical rethink in the way positive mental health campaigns are targeted at this age bracket. Dr John Connolly of the IAS says that myths about suicide still exist. He says many people believe that if someone talks about taking their life, they will not actually do it but there is no evidence to support this view. On the 'Right To Die' issue, the study says there is a lot of understanding for people who may wish to end their lives as a result of serious illness but there is not widespread support for euthanasia.
Suicide rate in Ireland.
As a new freephone helpline for young people at risk of
suicide, depression and self-harm was launched in Ballyfermot last
night. Hundreds of people last night attended a public
candlelight vigil in Dublin to remember those who have lost their
lives through suicide in Ireland.
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Sceala Irish Craic Forum Discussion: Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:25 pm Suicide In The North Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Delete this post View IP address of poster
A suicide awareness project launched in north and west Belfast has received 650 calls in its first four weeks alone.
The 24-hour helpline, which is funded by the Department of Health, provides counselling to young people and their families. Norma Patterson, director of Contact Youth which runs the scheme, said it is an invaluable service.
"There certainly would be people who would perhaps call on a number of occasions, but certainly we would have a massive increase in new callers, I suppose because of the publicity around the helpline. Our councillors have found that the calls coming through are very relevant and very important calls."
The suicide helpline, run by Contact Youth and Opportunity Youth, can be reached on 0808 808 8000.
A macho culture is driving many young people in the North to suicide, Gerry Adams claimed today.
During an Assembly debate on the problem of suicide and self harm, the Sinn Féin leader said Stormont must prioritise the issue when devolution returns.
The West Belfast MP told Assembly members: "When you talk to the families you realise also just how inadequate our society and our health services are in dealing with the issue of suicide and its impact. As political representatives we have to rectify this. That includes rising to the challenges set by Bamford (a review of mental health services). We must play our part in the de-stigmatisation of mental health and mental health problems. We must challenge the so-called macho culture that exists in our society, a culture that leaves so many of our young people feeling that the only option they have left in their lives is to end it. But this alone is not enough. We must ensure that when people do seek help that the services are there to help them - services that must be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Why? Because the problems that cause this sense of hopelessness do not end at 5 o'clock. They do not take the weekend off. Services must be tailored to suit the needs of our people."