| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Watching for the Letter "H" |
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Watching for the Letter "H"
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Watching for the Letter "H" Irish Language Forums Irish Message |

Location: USA
Irish Language Forums Discussion:
Watching for the Letter "H"
I have been trying to get used to seeing the Irish language. When I have been studying it by ear, and then later to see the words I've been saying, it has really thrown me for a loop. So, decided to begin the understanding of the pronunciations and rules to follow to help me to read and spell as I go.
What I am adding here is a general rule of when the letter "H" is added and next to consonants that are affected by the addition of the "H"....
If you see the letter "h" in an Irish word, it usually indicates a change in the pronunciation but only when located next to specific consonants. It is called an aspiration.
The consonants normal sound is affected by the "h" and become what is know as SLENDER or BROAD.
The consonants affected by a SLENDER aspiration are:
The SLENDER sounds are as follows:
b - bh - sounded as a "v" - an bhean - the woman
c - ch - sounded hard like a "k" - in sa chisten - in the kitchen
d - dh - sounded as "y" - ni dherna me - I didn't know
f - fh - don fhear - to the man
g - gh - sound as "y" - an ghealach - the moon
m - mh - ca mhéad - how much
p - ph - sound as "f" - mo phíopa - my pipe
s - sh - sound "h + y" - shiúil mé - I walked
t - th - sound as "h" - thuas - up
I will add the BROAD aspirations on another post.
Last edited by Darlenejoy on Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:29 pm; edited 3 times in total