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Location: USA

Irish Language Forums Discussion:     Irish American Society

If you type this into your favorite search engine, you may find that you live near a place that offers a calendar of events for people wanting to stay active in or participate in keeping your Irish heritage alive in your area. This may sound silly to some, but these people I have met have been great for keeping the Irish stereotypical ideas somewaht quelled.... Instead of thinking of the green beer drinking alcoholic, they offer the rich Irish minds that have brought so much to the world...

I belonged to one here in Sacramento. There are various classes, trips, and get togethers with those we can really learn from. At least that was my experience.

Classes included Irish Language at levels of where you are in your learning. But it is not limited to just that... you know the Irish, quite a talented lot... there are literature classes to become familliar with many of the grand Irish authors past and present... dance... theater... get togethers with others in nearby vicinities and entertainment... our big one here is in San Francisco.... There is more than I could justly put down here so if you want to see, you just have to put the above in with the city and State you are in behind it, and see what pops up???

One thing I found interesting is that they will be holding an San Francisco Bay Area Irish Language Immersion Weekend...September 23–25, 2005
(6 pm Friday through 4:30 pm Sunday) the teachers are coming from Oideas Gael (you can also find more about them on their website) which is in southwest Donegal... I cannot put any gaurantee behind it of my opinion as if I go as I wish, it will be my first time. They are offering 4 levels so I know as a beginner, I will not be totally lost (I hope Laughing ).

Anyway, just wanted to post this in case any are interested in what might be offered in your areas and if you like something like this, might be worth a peek. Oh yeah, and sometimes, they just advertise various events going on.. so you can just pick and choose what you might want to hear or see..

many in the group here are from Ireland and still go over to see family so have much to share and that we can learn from.... especially the older ones as usual and quite friendly and accepting has been my experience...

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