Irish Forums Message Discussion :: The Cemetary Walker

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The Cemetary Walker

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Irish Forums :: The Irish Message Forums- Irish Poetry Writers Forum- The Cemetary Walker
Irish Author The Cemetary Walker Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message

Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     The Cemetary Walker

Nostrils full of the dank smell of earth
Caked dark and moist under ragged nails
Reminders of mud pies and childhood games
Not graveyards and death markers

Short distances
Small expeditions
Great expectations

Words from the past unreadable
Grains of time fill the crevices of decades
Like the sands of an egg timer
Drift from seconds into hours

Quiet hums around the stones
They jut from the ground
The past leaping into the present
Life a hope springing from death

Scrape away
Flecks of yesterday
Look forward
Toward tomorrow

The cemetary walker
Carefully pockets the treasure
Passes gently into the mists
And home
Before the sun comes

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