| Irish Forums Message Discussion :: THE LAST DAYS OF SCHOOL |
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THE LAST DAYS OF SCHOOL Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message |
Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog
Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:
The year has passed quickly...wasn't it just September?
I saw you on that first day of school
You were one of the kindergarten kids
Smiling nervously, holding hands with your classmate
On your debute trip to the nurse
In your new school
I didn't know your history
But I saw that your shoes were scuffed
And your shirt had a slight rip in it
You looked clean enough, though
And your blue jeans weren't dirty
The first time you came to my office with a bruise
And said you fell down the steps, I believed you
The second time, you trusted me
And told me daddy hit you because you made a mess
You were going to cry, so I took the information
And let you go back to your class while I called the authorities
They took pictures and told me they would investigate
The next day, you weren't at school...and I heard you were placed
I am almost always sad to hear that a child has gone to foster care
But I did not feel sad about you...I felt ecstatic, hopeful
For I saw in your eyes that you were a caged cat
Waiting for freedom...just the spring of the lock...
So when I got the call last month that you were coming back, I cried
Not only for you coming back here but for all the missed opportunities
That you will have, and for all the positive experiences you will be denied
My heart cries for you, little lost boy, you will be in my prayers
You have grown an inch
Your hair's two inches longer,
And you've learned a thing or two
Probably not all of it good...
Go home, now, the year is ended
Go in peace, my child
Here I shall be, when you come back
Summer only lasts a while...
Last edited by Maggieofthegypsies on Wed May 25, 2005 2:30 am; edited 2 times in total