Irish Forums Message Discussion :: DOWN WE GO

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Irish Author DOWN WE GO Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message

Sceala Clann Counsellor
Location: Tir Na Nog

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     DOWN WE GO


Looking back, I see it still
A tiny pinhole bright but soon I'm
Squinting in the blackness
That descends on us like night

Down we go into the hole
We leave the day behind
With pick and axe
We break our backs
A-workin' in the mine

I rode a famine ship from Cork
To Cobh Harbor bade farewell
Deported by an English judge
Sent to this coal black hell

Down we go into the hole
We leave the day behind
With pick and axe
We break our backs
A-workin' in the mine

And though I toil from dawn 'till dusk
No profit do I show
'Tis dangerously hard work
Minin' coal way down below

Down we go into the hole
We leave the day behind
With pick and axe
We break our backs
A-workin' in the mine

For a better life, Jack Kehoe says
Ye men must unionize
The Coal and Iron's shall break us not
In solidarity we rise...

Down we go into the hole
We leave the day behind
With pick and axe
We break our backs
A-workin' in the mine

Now alas I am imprisoned
On what charges? I inquired
I was then accused of murder
And bein' a Molly Maguire

Down we go into the hole
We leave the day behind
With pick and axe
We break our backs
A-workin' in the mine

Jesus, Mary, an' Joseph, save me
So lost, yer my last hope
As the noose tightens fast 'round my neck...
I cry out "'Tis the Day of the Rope!"

Down we go into the hole
We leave the day behind
With pick and axe
We break our backs
A-workin' in the mine

Last edited by Maggieofthegypsies on Wed May 18, 2005 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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