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The day is long .

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Irish Author The day is long . Irish Poetry Writers Forum Irish Message

Location: Scotland

Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     The day is long .

Sometimes I awake for the morning to take
sometimes I close the curtains on my mind
but awake is what I do

spring outof bed with a shake of the head
or cover all over with pillows
depends on my mood or really it should
but sometimes depends on another

now if this is the case and im sure it is
tred softly and weary dont bother
for they ruin your day
just like they ruin your tomorrow

so waken some day with nothing to say
ignore and go on with your buisness
if anyone tries with a smirk in there eyes
to try and ruin your good day

with a sigh and goodbye
you controlling guy #
im finally on my way
adious you big oof
and smile and a toast .....

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