Irish Forums Message Discussion :: Last glance second chance

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Last glance second chance

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Irish Poetry Writers Forum Discussion:     Last glance second chance

Wrath to oceans!
They beaconed my departure in fancy flight,
To lead my soul astray. Disloyal abandonment!
Revived 'ere late in this eleventh hour

Where was judgment then?
Before I understood this place of plains
Was innocence the camouflauge or canney one
Embryonic to discovery at my return?

Shepardless cradle flock meander
Calm with steadfast gaze ore silent plains,
Wistful yearnings echo from another time,
Friends and comrades loved and gone.

Sudden breeze the thought is lost,
Disturbed by scented vapors tempest tossed
From thorny dew drenched fragrant firs,
Golden blossoms scatter midst the whispering grass

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