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Need to know some stuff about Waterford County please

   Irish Movies    Need to know some stuff about Waterford County please Need to know some stuff about Waterford County please Information
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Irish Author Need to know some stuff about Waterford County please Irish History Forum Irish Message

Sceala Clann
Location: Sydney, Australia

Irish History Forum Discussion:     Need to know some stuff about Waterford County please

Are there any good Irish historians out there? If so i have a personal request.

I am posting from Sydney Australia, and am first generation Aussie. My family has a strong Irish heritage, but my issues centre mainly on my late grandfather. I am hoping that i can find people on this forum who are knowledgable about Irish history and can enter into discussion.

The deal is as follows. My late grandfather (who passed away just over two years ago in Oz), was born in Waterford County in 1930, migrated over to London in his twenties, and then onto Sydney several years after that, to which he lived out the remainder of his life.

I knew him to be a proud and principled man, but he was also quite stubborn and hot tempered. i know what ye'all thinking - typical Irish! But he was simply not the type to disclose his feelings to anyone, or to open up really. Plus he was quite controlling of my family, and got quite angry and abusive when things did not go his way or expectations.

I was diagnosed a couple of months back with anxiety and depression and i feel that much of this is attibuted to behaviours that i learned from my grandfather. As i dont know who my biological father is (i do have a father but not biological), i regarded my grandfather as something of a role model.

I am currently receiving treatment for the A&D, but i cant help but wonder if there was some stuff that went on in my grandfather's life that has some baring on the stuff that i am now going through. I remember him talking about his life as far back as his time in London, but never really mentioned anything about his experiences in Ireland.

I wonder if my grandfather had anything to hide about his growing up in Ireland, which is possible coz i feel that Waterford County was not the friendliest place during the 1930s and 1940s. But i am only guessing at this. I have done some research on this period of time in Waterford and Ireland and have found it to be a time of great tension due to fundamental disagreements as to how Ireland should be run (Ireland got its independence in 1926 i believe?).

As i understand it, Irish independence led to civil war, this war finishing just before my grandfather was born, but the threat of more violence in Ireland always loomed large for a time thereafter as Ireland came to grips with independence ie 'The Troubles'.

This is the best i have gotten toward understanding what it might have been like for my grandfather grwoing up in Ireland, but as i mentioned before, much of it is up to my assumption here. I am hoping there are people on this forum who are more knowledgable about Irish history and might be able to provide more insight as to what it might have been like growing up in Waterford County between 1930 and 1950.

Apologies for this long-winded posting, but any help or view on this would be greatly appreciated. It would help a lot toward me getting closure on understanding my family and understanding my roots.


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